is lavender pillow spray safe for cats

If you choose to use lavender pillow spray for cats, its important to dilute it with water before spraying it on their beds. These products can be rapidly absorbed through the digestive tract or through the skin, and then travel to the liver where they are metabolized. No tests have been conducted on cats to determine the safety or efficacy of lavender oils. She then recommends calling the ASPCAs poison control hotline (888-426-4435), anytime of the day for further information specific to the case. . Lavender is known for its medicinal qualities and calming, alluring scent. If your cat brushes up against lavender flowers or nibbles on flower heads, it will not become ill from ingesting them. JavaScript is disabled. American rubber plant, Peperomia obtusifolia. Id NEVER rub it on my cat, I was simply explaining the difference in advice, site to site. Lavender is certainly not safe for ingestion. Pure Lavender Essential Oil and Chamomile Pillow Spray, Linen Mist, and Fabric Spray. You must log in or register to reply here. If your cat becomes ill as a result of fleas, you may want to use lavender oil on them to prevent them from becoming ill. To allow your pet to exercise their occasional craving for plant matter, consider keeping cat-friendly plants around the house, such as catnip and oat grass (cat grass). To be on the safe side, it is best to use a lavender room spray that is specifically formulated for cats or one that is certified as safe for cats. If you have a cat, you should remove all essential oils and potpourri before allowing him to leave. The natural, calming scent of lavender will help to relax your body and mind, and make it easier to drift off into a deep, restful sleep. This article has been fact checked and verified by our veterinary adviser.. According to the ASPCA, cats are especially sensitive to essential oils. Lavender essential oils are easily absorbed by your cats respiratory system. Common side effects of lavender may include: constipation; headache: increased appetite; or skin irritation when used topically. If your cat is exposed to the spray, keep an eye out for any signs of discomfort, such as sneezing, coughing, or difficulty breathing. Home & Forums | Vomiting. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to It looks like you're asking if it is OK to spray on the pillow, not the cat, right? Not only will the fleas be controlled, but the scent will also keep them fresh and cool. The way lavender oil affects your cat will depend on how concentrated it is and how much gets into his system, either through ingestion or absorption. I am having throat surgery tomorrow to help with breathing issues..hopefully ill sleep better then. As for cats, the essential oils that arent safe to use are eucalyptus, clove, lavender, spruce, cassia, lemon, birch, and more. Your veterinarian will perform a liver or kidney examination on your cat. Additionally, some pet owners have reported that their cats seem to relax and even sleep more when exposed to lavender. As a result, all of these ingredients are toxic to cats and are found in liquid potpourri and essential oil products. Even if youre still curious about how it can be used on cats to combat fleas, you should consult with your veterinarian. August is Itchy Pet Awareness Month. Both of these plants can be used in small amounts in a pillow spray or diffused in the air. Dont spray it directly on your cat. Its safer to be safe than sorry. Is Bamboo Toxic To Cats? IAMthe Universe!. Even at low doses, essential oils can be toxic to cats. The Dangers Of Lavender For Cats. If you use lavender oil or bath products with lavender, keep them in a locked cupboard out of reach. Using lavender products on your skin is an excellent way of poisoning your cat. Can Cats Eat Veggie Chips? Lavender poisoning can occur when cats lick droplets of lavender from diffusers and sprays that have fallen onto their fur. Bad news for lavender-loving cat owners: All of these have varying degrees of toxicity to cats, depending on exposure. In my opinion, many essential oils, including lavender oil, should never be given orally or in topically to cats due to the potential toxicity they can present. The ASPCA warns that essential oils in their concentrated form (100%) can be extremely dangerous to pets, including when used on their skin, fur, or paws. At Excited Cats, we regularly consult with licensed veterinarians and other industry experts. Are Chocolate Cereals Bad for Cats? Learn more. The flower has a sweet, softly musky scent. Avoid sprays with other essential oils. This can be beneficial for those who suffer from allergies, or who are sensitive to scents and aromas. This might be inconveniencing, but it is necessary to avoid putting your cat's health at risk. In many households across the country, fragrant lavender plants adorn window sills, indoor spaces, and gardens. Ok thanks all! Dogs can be given lavender oil as long as they are properly diluted with it. This could have disastrous results. Because lavender capsules are herbal supplements, you can purchase them without a prescription. At first glance, pillow sprays may look like a simple product, but there is actually a lot of thought that goes into creating the perfect scent. Zoetis, a veterinary medication developer and manufacturer, created the event to raise awareness about, Cats take grooming seriously. Some cats don't mind lavender scents, but some absolutely hate them. Although lavender is generally toxic to cats, it is not fatal. Is Veggie Chips Safe For Cats? A cat should never be fed lavender essential oil, and it should never be left where curious little tongues can lap at it. Richardson says that while there are limited studies on the longterm effects of essential oils for both humans or animals, no clear evidence exists on a safe level of exposure. This also applies to potpourri made with dried lavender spikes. Many cats like the pleasant scents of essential oils, such as lavender, jasmine, sandalwood, chamomile, and citrus. It does not contain any synthetic fragrances. ), hiking, kayaking, and binge-watching Netflix. Fortunately, it's only mildly toxic. By incorporating this into your childs bedtime routine, you can help him or her get a good nights sleep. Using a Crown Choice Natural Pillow Mist Spray will help to improve the quality of your air and refresh your bedding in a safe and natural manner. more. Self-educated pet care nerd. While lavender is dangerous in its basic plant form, it is fatal to cats in its essential oil form. The calming scent may be beneficial for humans in relieving stress and anxiety. According to Dr. David Weinthal, the enzymes required to break down linalool and linalyl acetate in lavender are lacking in cats. . Richardson says that while there are limited studies on the longterm effects of essential oils for both humans or animals, no clear evidence e, Gastrointestinal signs such as vomiting and, Neurological signs such as staggering, stuporous or drunk like behavior, and tremors, Decreased respiratory rate, asthma, or aspiration pneumonia, If you notice your cat has come into contact with a lavender product, Richardson recommends, bathing your pet. other plants and oils that are toxic to cats, Cat Nail Biting: What to Do If Your Cat Chews & Pulls His Claws, Why Is My Kitten So Hyper? Verdict: 4/5. As mentioned, I got it for myself to sleep betternot for my cats. Despite this, many pet owners report that their cats enjoy the scent of lavender, so it is entirely up to you whether or not your pet will be safe to enjoy this scent. Essential oils cannot be broken down by the liver of a cat. Even if your cat has not developed symptoms as a result of eating lavender, you should consult with your veterinarian. Nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting are all symptoms of lavender toxicity in cats. When cats are exposed to strong odors or perfumes, they may experience watery eyes, a burning sensation in their noses and throats, nausea, and difficulty breathing. Required fields are marked *. Lavender is a safe and affordable addition to your wellness routine, and it is beneficial both you and your pets. Overdosing on essential oils can result in nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Your cat will be happy to know that her favorite plant, catnip, can destroy flea eggs and larva. If you notice those signs, observe the animal closely to look for the other outward indicators of lavender poisoning, such as a lack of appetite, low energy levels, and diarrhea. I purchased some lavender water oil today from an expo and I googled uses for it..i stumbled over a few sites saying its toxic to cats and a few that said you can rub it in them! Can Cats Have Acai? The essential oil lavender is used to make soaps for humans and animals. Natural fragrances are derived from plant extracts and are a safer option for those looking to avoid synthetic chemicals. If a cat smells lavender, they may experience a calming effect. If you use lavender oil or bath products with lavender, keep them in a locked cupboard o. . . People find the scent relaxing to almost tranquilizing making it popular with people who like a warm bath before bed. According to Dr. Conrad, cats livers cannot process the toxic compounds found in the pretty purple-flowered plant, which are referred to as linalool and linalyl acetate, and as a result, they cannot metabolize them. Cats with respiratory issues can possibly have their symptoms worsened by inhaling lavender (or other essential oils) that are diffused into their environment, Dr. Conrad said. by Emily Rascoe | Oct 18, 2022 | Uses & Products. Since ancient times, an infusion of lavender has been an important ingredient in soap making and scenting bath water. To inhibit further flea infestations, you can have your feline companion wear a collar that's been treated with the chemicalsflumethrinandimidacloprid. The lavender essential oil also has a light, pleasant scent that can be used to help reduce nausea, motion sickness and vomiting. The only insects that seem to have a tolerance for lavender are butterflies and honeybees, the two insects you actually want in your garden. Can Cats Eat Fritos? Avoid lavender essential oils or sprays. Lavender, a favorite essential oil among consumers, is commonly found in household products. I don't' know that the lavender will help you sleep. It turns out lavender is actually toxic for cats, so your BFF should steer clear. Some lavender pillow sprays may be safe for dogs if . As much as we love having lavender in our homes for its numerous benefits, your cat will not find it that pleasant. This means that you might not always be able to tell that your cat is suffering from lavender poisoning. She has a passion for lavender and has been growing and studying the plant for many years. Lavender oil can be toxic to cats if ingested in large quantities, and can cause gastrointestinal upset, depression, anorexia, and central nervous system depression. Because essential oils can be toxic to cats, it is best to avoid them entirely. Lavender plants, with their fragrant foliage, add a touch of class to window sills, indoor spaces, and gardens. Chamomile oil is one of the essential oils that is pet-safe. Using lavender scented products yourself may not harm your cat. Essential oils with high levels of toxic compounds include cinnamon, pennyroyal, peppermint, pine, sweet birch, tea tree (melaleuca), wintergreen, and ylang-ylang. If diluted, lavender oil is one of the most common essential oils that can be used on cats. Enjoy! In some cats, lavender can do just the opposite! Dr. Elizabeth Racine is a small animal veterinarian with a passion for writing. It is thought that lavender oil can help to reduce stress and anxiety in cats, as it is known to do in humans. Is Melatonin Spray Safe For Cats? When consumed in large quantities, lavender oil can cause severe gastrointestinal problems, nervous system depression, liver damage, and even death in cats. Look for a product that is specifically designed for cats, and make sure it doesnt contain any ingredients that could be toxic for cats. Many of the symptoms of lavender poisoning in cats are similar to those caused by most toxins. If you buy a product from a link on our site, we may earn a commission. The whorl shaped flowers grow on spikes and are generally the pale purple color that shares its name with the flower though some wild species are blue, yellow or blackish purple. Actual results vary and may depend on how much your cat likes the smell. Most disturbingly, cats can't efficiently metabolize the compounds in essential oils, which can lead to toxic build-up in their bodies. Here are some things to consider when choosing a lavender pillow spray for cats: 1. Lavender Linen and Room Spray, Pure Lavender Essential Oil Pillow Spray, Natural Fabric Spray, Aromatherapy Sleep Spray for Relaxation and Stress Relief; Odor Eliminator 4 Fl Oz (Pack of 1) 8,611 $1299 ($3.25/Fl Oz)$19.99 $12.34 with Subscribe & Save discount Promotion Available Even a lavender oil diffuser could cause trouble, particularly if your cat has asthma or other breathing problems. participates in select affiliate advertising programs, including the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. For cats, essential oils such as cypress, clove, lavender, spruce, cassia, lemon, birch, and others should not be used. Lavender oil and lavender essential oil are distinct substances despite sharing a similar name. We do our best to help you better understand your cats, but the information on this blog is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. If you want to make your home smell good and keep your pets safe, make a few drops of lavender oil and spray it into their coats with a spray bottle of water. As a result, your child may feel more at ease, avoid depression, anxiety, and stress, and may even sleep more peacefully. Lavender is not frequently fatal to cats, despite its mildly toxic nature. While humans often turn to it for its many benefits, is lavender safe for cats? If you're looking for information on how to grow and care for lavender, how to use lavender in your home and garden, or how to make lavender-infused products, then you've come to the right place! While serves as a pleasant home accessory for humans, the plant may pose some health concerns to cats. "Lavender contains linalool and linalyl acetate, and cats lack the enzymes necessary to process these compounds," says Dr. Rachel Barrack of Animal Acupuncture in New York City. Lavender, copaiba, helichrysum, and frankincense are all safe for cats, but any essential oils that have been diluted should be consulted with a holistic veterinarian before use. Lavender is well-known for its calming and sedative effects in humans, and it is also used as a skin care product. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. This means that it takes longer to eliminate toxins. There are no harmful chemicals or toxins in the product. Choose a spray specifically made for cats. While lavender oil sprays and diffusers tend to have lower levels of lavender, they are still dangerous because they will be absorbed by your cats respiratory system, resulting in respiratory distress. Because cat livers lack enzymes that aid in the safe processing of volatile compounds, these substances should be avoided by cats. Using gentle music at a low volume can help your kitten settle into her new home. The scent of lavender has long been known to be soothing and calming to both humans and animals. According to both Barrack and Richardson, symptoms of lavender toxicity in cats include: There is no established toxic dose for lavender oil, says Richardson. There is some evidence to suggest that lavender may have a calming effect on cats. Felines lack the necessary enzymes in their livers for metabolizing essential oils. Fresh and dried lavender stems should never be left out of reach of your cats. by Emily Rascoe | Feb 25, 2023 | Lavender FAQ. Don't use these products on your cat, however. If you think your cat has lavender poisoning, the ASPCA recommends contacting the Animal Poison Control Center for immediate advice. Your feline friends bodieswill start responding to synthetic scents when they come into contact with them. These include linalyl acetate and linalool, which, interestingly, are quite common among flowers. Monday - Friday, 7:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. Her other passions include travel, volunteering, and her two adorable adopted dogs. If your cat has been showing signs of anxiety (inappropriate urination or scratching for example) extra playtime may be what she needs to calm down and burn off energy. So seriously that the average house cat spends up to 50% of their day grooming themselves, Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is a small herb that grows naturally in Northern America, certain areas of Europe, and East Asia., Keeping Your Cat Safe from Lavender Poisoning, Avoid Using Topical Products Containing Lavender. It can help to reduce stress and anxiety levels and encourage a deep, restful sleep. It is also important to know what other plants and substances are toxic to your cat. Although lavender oil has no known toxic dose, each cats reactions to it are determined by its specific sensitivity and route of exposure. Because of these safe and natural smells, your house will smell better and your cat will feel less anxious while in it. Woman Devotes Her Life To The Stray Dogs Of Bali. You could also hold the kitty to look for an erratic heart rate and rapid breathing, as these are signs of a distressed cat. Even humans shouldn't ingest essential oils. Unfortunately for cats, lavender is toxic. It produces only lavender that is dried. Is lavender good for dogs? The Power Of Lavender: Could This Aromatic Herb Help Alleviate Cold Symptoms? However, your cat may also experience respiratory symptoms when inhaling lavender essential oils, including coughing and wheezing. They use the same natural oils in their products, but they provide six to eight months of protection. There is a tree in the United States that is grown with frankincense. She shares her home with her retired teaching beagle, Dasher, and a trouble-making orange cat named Julius. Thanks for stopping by! Its fine, right? Therefore, it is necessary to put measures in place that will prevent your pet from coming into contact with any form of it. It is an evolutionary trait among predators, as showing weakness in the wild can put you in a very precarious position. Lavender exposure can cause kidney failure, seizures, and liver damage in cats. If the cat owner decides to buy lavender scented litter, it is up to them whether or not it is the right product for their fur baby. It has calming, relaxing properties that can help to reduce stress and anxiety in cats, and can even be used as a flea repellent. When clicking a link here and buying, we may be able to make a small commission, at no additional cost to you. Symptoms can range from mild GI upset or mouth irritation to potential liver damage, Dr. Conrad said. A cat's liver is simply incapable of breaking down the chemicals in essential oils. For cats that dont like the smell of lavender, there are other options. Lavender can, however, be harmful to cats in large doses or when they inhale it after it has been used. Lavender extracts are also used as a herbal remedy in the treatment of stress and anxiety, amongseveral other issues. This 8-ounce sleep spray is packed with witch hazel, geranium oil, and chamomile, as well as lavender, to combat any nighttime restlessness. Use this at bedtime to help reduce sleep anxiety and improve sleep quality. Therefore, it is not out of the realm of possibility that your pet might decide to try out some lavender sprigs. Lavanya Sunkara is a NYC-based writer who is passionate about animal welfare. Is lavender safe for cats? 7. To calm your cat, use lavender on him. Pricing: All spay/neuter services are fully subsidized if you meet the ASPCA's eligibility criteria or show proof of Public Assistance. The key is to look for a product that is specifically made for cats, as they may have different sensitivities than humans. One of the most commonly used essential oils in the home is lavender oil. Cat Nail Biting: What to Do If Your Cat Chews & Pulls His Claws, Why Is My Kitten So Hyper? Your mileage may vary. The Pet Poison Line recommends that cats avoid using essential oils such as wintergreen, citrus oil (d-limonene), pine oils, peppermint oil, cinnamon oil, clove oil, and tea tree oil because they can be toxic to cats. | Powered by WordPress. Cats use their tongues to groom themselves. Animal adoption advocate. With this in mind, many pet owners have been drawn to lavender pillow sprays as a way to help their cats relax. Keep reading for information on types of lavender, poison prevention, and treatment options. Lavender contains a small amount of linalool, which is toxic to dogs and cats. If your cat has respiratory changes such as rapid breathing, coughing, and/or watery eyes after being exposed to lavender oil, apply the lavender oil or spray to your cat. Site Help | Your cats liver is deficient in enzymes that break down certain substances, such as essential oil and liquid potpourri, which are essential components in the felines diet. In aromatherapy, lavender is used to aid in relaxation. Fresh lavender is not toxic to felines, only the essential oils derived from the plants are. You should also remember to keep the spray away from your cats food, bedding, and litter box, as these areas can be extra sensitive. Some pillow sprays also contain other ingredients such as carrier oils, alcohols, and emulsifiers. While a minority of cats do seem to enjoy the aroma of lavender, the majority of cats do not. Check Price at Amazon. Despite the plant not being severely toxic, better to play it safe and keep it out of your cat's reach, Dr. Conrad said. Some cats can be sensitive to strong scents and may experience irritation, such as coughing and sneezing. Cats are natural lovers of smells, and lavender is no exception. All You Need to know, Is Pillow Spray Safe For Cats? baby shampoo or better yet, shampoo specially formulated for cats. Her business, The Veterinary Writer, is devoted to providing pet owners with easy access to evidence-based information about pet health. There is a good relationship between cats and lavender. Carrier oils help to reduce the concentration of the essential oil, while alcohols act as a preservative. Inhaling diffused lavender oil might not harm your cat, but keep the room ventilated and make sure she can leave the room should she find the smell unpleasant. Thats why its important to think carefully about what products you use in your home to ensure that your feline friend is safe and comfortable. Essential oils have antibacterial properties, making them useful against bacteria that cause biofilms. This is because you will eventually come into contact with your pet, and the product will rub off on them. Blending together fourteen pure essential oils English lavender, basil and jasmineit's calming and smells sweeter than others I've tried. While pet parents are advised not to use the majority of essential oils on their pets, some oils can be used on pets in an appropriate manner. Furthermore, essential oils such as lavender can be useful in keeping cats away from certain areas. When cats inhale lavender, watery eyes and noses, burning sensations in their nose/throat, drooling, vomiting, and difficulty breathing are all possible side effects. If your pet uses the product to help them sleep, you should keep an eye out for any toxic effects, such as lethargy or stomach upset, and stop using it if they occur. Lock up lavender oil and skin care products. There is some debate over whether or not lavender sleep spray is safe for cats. When lavender oil and cats are mixed only the most utmost of caution should be practiced. Can Cats Eat Cookies and Cream Ice Cream? As such, keep those sprigs in areas that your cat does not have access to. It is a combination of essential oils that have been carefully blended to create a natural, calming aroma. Oils are the most potent because they can be vaporized and inhaled or absorbed quickly through the skin resulting in acute toxicity.. Despite the fact that lavender is mildly toxic to cats, cats are not typically killed by it. Do not attempt to induce vomiting or administer any type of medication. No walk-ins are accepted. Can Cat Eat Chocolate Cereals? They will be able to advise if you are safe to monitor your cat at home, or if you should get to your nearest vet ASAP, and the appropriate next steps that can be taken, she says. Below is a detailed guide to keeping your cat safe from lavender. Its critical to avoid lavender and cats at all costs. Filled with over 2,000 sprays, the larger-than-most bottle can be used on sheets, pillows, blankets, and in any room needing an extra boost of calm . Alcohol in all forms are poisonous yo cats according to petpoisonhelpline. If you notice any signs of discomfort such as sneezing, coughing, or watery eyes, discontinue use immediately. Lavender, in our opinion, should be consumed in moderation. , oat grass (cat grass), and grow herbs like valerian, Cats Claw, and licorice root. This gorgeous plant with bright purple blossoms covers the south of France and smells like actual floral heaven, but is a big no-no for felines, especially in essential oil form. For extreme cases of anxiety, you might want to ask your veterinarian about anti-anxiety medication. We do not recommend lavender as a parasite prevention method. Lavender pillow spray is a popular remedy for restful sleep, but is it safe for cats? Many people also use lavender pillow spray as a way to help them relax during times of stress or anxiety. The problem with essential oils is that they are concentrated, and much like a human baby, cats have a lower surface area to volume ratio and that makes certain substances much more toxic in smaller quantities. The Power Of Lavender: Could This Aromatic Herb Help Alleviate Cold Symptoms? Blue echeveria . Herbs such as cats claw, licorice root, and valerian and great options too. In fact, some studies have shown that formulas containing diluted lavender were just as effective at killing fleas as commercial chemical sprays. Can Cats Eat Pork? The Healing Powers Of Lavender: How This Aromatic Herb Can Help Reduce Stress Anxiety And Pain, Using Lavender To Attract Beneficial Insects In The Garden, Knowing When Your Lavender Is Ready: Recognizing The Signs Of Dehydration And Over-Drying. A huge animal lover, born and raised around dogs, cats, chickens Here are ways to protect your indoor cat from lavender poisoning. In the language of flowers, lavender symbolizes the girl becoming a woman as well as caution. If your cat refuses to take a bath because he/she is afraid of fleas, here are some home remedies to keep them from coming. Fresh lavender is not toxic to felines, only the essential oils derived from the plants are. Dont spray it directly onto your cat, as this can lead to essential oil poisoning, and some cats may be sensitive to lavender oils. It is important to remember that lavender is a poisonous plant that has been used for hundreds of years. Even though dried lavender is not toxic to cats, the ASPCA recommends that they chew it up. DRMTLGY Natural Lavender Linen and Room Spray. The effects of lavender oil can help to relieve stress and anxiety, which can often interfere with sleep. However, it is important to consider the safety of cats when using lavender room spray. With the right approach, lavender mist can be a safe and effective way to reduce stress and anxiety in kittens. Lavender air freshener is generally safe for cats to use. Furthermore, neutralizers, dryer sheets, carpet fresheners, scented candles, plug-in air fresheners, and sprays can all be used to improve the smell in your home and make it safe for cats to live in. This article will provide an overview of the potential benefits and risks of using lavender mist for kittens, as well as tips for using it safely. However, Richardson states that liver or kidney damage can take several days to become apparent via blood tests.. 8 Reasons for This Behavior, Can Adult Cats Eat Kitten Food? There are no correct or incorrect steps to take when it comes to keeping your house smelling good and safe for cats. If you use a lavender lotion, make sure it's fully absorbed before touching your cat, as you should with any lotion. The small amounts of dried lavender we use in our catnip blends can help your cat relax, reduce stress, and anxiety, and help you sleep better at night (and we may be able to help you sleep better at night as well). Purple lavender has been linked to several health problems in cats, so even very low doses are harmful. While the essential oil in the spray may cause skin irritation if applied directly to a cats fur, it is generally safe when used in a diffuser or sprayed in the air. Certified Content. Maybe ill dry it and keep it in a bag out of reach. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. Your email address will not be published. I never knew any of that! Understanding The Ingredients In Different Pillow Sprays, Safe Alternatives To Lavender Pillow Spray For Cats, What To Put On Lick Mat For Cat? TreeActiv Anti-Acne Pillow Spray, Lavender - All Natural Lavender Room Spray For Pillow and Beddings - Travel Melatonin Spray For Pillow with Tea Tree Oil - Deep Sleep Pillow Spray - 1000 Sprays. They can help you figure out what sort of treatment your cat might need. If a cat licks a lavender plant and does not fully consume it, it can become ill. I've tried lavender on my pillow and while it didn't help me, it didn't seem to hurt my cats. However, cats with respiratory problems may be more sensitive to the fragrances in the spray, so its best to use it with caution. If you only come into contact with a few drops, a quick bath is probably sufficient. Lavender room spray can be a pleasant and calming scent for a home.

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is lavender pillow spray safe for cats

is lavender pillow spray safe for cats

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