persuasive speech about beauty standards

They begin to question whether or not it's okay for their thighs to not touch or if eating that chocolate cupcake was the right move. This idea that every girl needs to look the same, like a doll, to be beautiful is absurd, and the people who enforce such thoughts are just as damaging. Before we begin Get out your writer's notebook to write when I ask you directed questions on the following slides. In comparison to the photoshop picture she appears to be less physically fit.There are many reasons to how celebrities have influenced girls to look like them. Every day, boys look at themselves and say, "too scrawny", "to fat", "not enough muscles". Many women around the world have struggled with their weight and how others see them. Perhaps the greatest example of the dangers of child beauty pageants is the story of six year old Jon Bent. The opening and closing of speech are the most important. Girls should be able to be themselves without any backlash from peers or anyone. Cinderella is portrayed as a beautiful, thin, feminine female while her ugly stepsisters are shown as short, overweight and masculine. It explains the physical, emotional, and economic risks of plastic surgery. Homeschooling is better than traditional schooling. 2 PERSUASIVE SPEECH OUTLINE SPECIFIC PURPOSE This speech aims to assert how society has promoted a specific body image as the beauty standard, negatively affecting women. Rather than waiting for your audience to think up objections to the points you make, do it yourself. Here are some tips to help you finish your persuasive speech in the best quality: 1. Through such portrayals, media is creating and promoting judgmental people who even have the potential to destroy peoples lives by putting them down mentally. The A in Asian: Perfection Kills Jenny Nguyen Preview Problems: 1. Can cause or be an additive to eating disorders 3.) You need to understand that everything you see on screen is not true. Why choose us. The most important part of a persuasive speech is the conclusion, second to the introduction and thesis statement. There is a clear problem when the media is only advertising women that are 511 and 117 pounds, which is the average American model. We can prevent that by stressing that being average isnt what you see on magazines, being average is any way someone can be. Women would be seen as the more dominant role in the relationship. Hi Uffe, unrealistic beauty standards are unattainable for the majority of the population. 40% of girls aged between 6 and 12 want to change their appearance. Is it because you do not like your current body? We want to look like them, eat like them, exercise like them, talk like them. Who is to decide the beauty standard of men and women? 377 . The media is greatly responsible for the growing of the ideal thin women. In fact, most of us already have or will have a body image encounter. Celebrities are role models to various people around the world and they are criticized for their appearance. Human beings have been adorning themselves with products to look for appealing for thousands of years. In No Model For Girls by Fiona Bawdon, the author explores how models and Photoshop can negatively affect adolescent girls body image. They photoshopped her to look thinner, have more appealing features, and even changed the shape and color of her hands. 42% of girls in 1st through 3rd grade want to lose weight. Then dispute those objections with additional facts, examples, and anecdotes. By getting up early in the morning, you can distribute your time better: exercise, meditate or take advantage of that space where your children sleep for a good read. To improve your body confidence, start by tuning out the media messages that say all women must be model-thin and declare the natural aging process to be a ruinous fate. 100% Success rate User ID: 109262. Parents should let students fail. The body fat for a healthy woman is 22-26%, yet girls still see themselves as fat and continue to try and lose weight. Customer Reviews. **This resource is part of the Writing Graphic Organizers Bundle. When reading chapters seven and eight from Peggy Orenstein book, Cinderella Ate My Daughter, it was interesting and yet horrifying to see it written out on paper. People have to feel good about themselves and be comfortable in their own skin to be happy. YWCAs Beauty at Any Cost discusses this in their article saying that, The pressure to achieve unrealistic physical beauty is an undercurrent in the lives of virtually all women in the United States, and its steady drumbeat is wreaking havoc on women in ways that far exceed the bounds of their physical selves (YWCA). . One girl had even shared how one of her best friends discovered that her fifth grade cousin was bulimic. The biggest insecurity I have ever had is my skin colour. "Beauty is a defining characteristic for American women" (Pipher 216). When they turn on the TV, read magazines or go on the internet. She later goes on to say . Beauty standards have historically and continue to reflect Eurocentric paradigms that prize . A persuasive speech seeks to Establish a fact o E.g., Coffee drinkers have (do not have) a higher risk of heart . In today's world, it feels almost impossible to be happy, this generation is all about the media which makes having self-esteem 10x harder. The purpose of a persuasive speech is to convince your audience to agree with an idea or opinion that you present. Now he writes full-time books and articles for TheWordyBoy. This demonstrates that when adolescent girls are exposed to the medias thinness they feel like their size and shape is not good enough. 112 Engaging Persuasive Speech Topics. These are also the pictures that are being shown to teenagers at a time of their lives that they are particularly susceptible to peer pressure and looking good(Tabitha Farrar). Persuasive Speech About Beauty Standards: User ID: 231078 / Mar 3, 2021. Also, the article includes the reasons teenage girls choose to have cosmetic surgery and the types of procedures they perform. After all, isn't is a little ironic that people . Every day people starve themselves just to fit into society's mold of what the perfect person looks like. . You can produce an effective persuasive speech if you structure your . Thirdly, we can discuss the healthy and suitable way to achieve your own personal appearance goals. Components of a Persuasive Speech. According to NEDIC (National Eating Disorder Information center) a 2002 survey stated that 1.5 percent of Canadian women aged 15 to 24 years has had an eating disorder. Body image is something that is a constant struggle for many. As for the supplement that give the skin to become more fair usually are famous among malay girls this is becoz they usually have medium skin tone. The need to feel accepted by others has become another main reason why our society emphasises so much on physical appearance. Even the definition states that Photoshop distorts reality, yet girls still think that models have the ideal body image. People should stay married for life. According to the article Why Do We Idolize Celebrities? If a young girl feels that boys will not like her if she is not skinny, or flaunting herself like the girls in the media do, they will feel a strong impulse to follow these trends in order to avoid being alienated. Persuasive Speech About Beauty Standards, Professional Expository Essay Ghostwriting For Hire For Masters, Custom Admission Essay Writing Sites Gb, Should I Put Paragraphs In My Uc Essay, Essay On Surat City, Example Of A Jomeo And Juliet Persuasvive Essay, Best Resume Executive Summary Why is plastic surgery a thriving business now? The obsession over weight has led to an increasing number of individual's who have developed eating disorders due to low self-esteem or other related issues. Media images of ridiculously thin women are everywhere television shows, movies, popular magazines. Changing how the world looks at each other starts with each and every one of us Try and persuade your audience that beauty pageant should be banned because they do not function as anything other than a way to enforce unfair standards of physical attraction. In her essay, I Had a Nice Time with you Tonight, on the app, Jenna Wortham believes that social media apps are a helpful way to connect. Ones body is unique and everyone has their opinion about the ideal, healthy perfect body. For example, Kylie Jenner, if you grew up watching Keeping up with the Kardashians you know how she looked before all the plastic surgery she got done, she now looks completely different. But all of this can be prevented with six simple themes to address. 578 . Beauty has become stigmatized in our culture. Studies have shown that women who occupy most of their time worrying about body image tend to have an eating disorder and distress which impairs the quality of life. Every day we see stick thin models and buff male celebrities on television, in advertisements, and in other forms of media. Advertising and the media bombard us with images of mostly youthful, ultra-thin women with perfect skin, hair, and teeth. Reason 3 ( Provide one reason as to why listeners should act or think the way your thesis suggests.) Nature is able to show us true beauty, without modifications, exaggerations and falseness. An already beautiful woman was altered and refined so that she could fit the qualifications of the magazine editors. It is important to remember that true beauty is not about achieving a certain appearance or adhering to certain standards. As a result of this, young girls have a very negative body image and self-confidence.The problem is the unrealistic body standards that media and society have set for girls. Diversity and Representation Body Image Issues The Male and Female Perspective Plastic Surgery Normalization and Encouragement You can explore different ideas of beauty over . In todays society there has been a rise on obsessing over the thin ideal body which many people think that media plays a role to it. . All men and women are created beautifully and no one has the right to decide which is good and which is bad. Or how much you hate your nose, your hips, your breasts, the cellulite on the backs of your thighs? 1832 Words | 8 Pages. Studies have suggested that eating disorders among adolescent girls have increased over the past fifty years. Practice gratitude. Take the movie Cinderella for example. See a translation. Example 1 - Support for the reason given above. The media is responsible for all of this. Value yourself and think beyond the stereotypes. Is it logical to base your feeling of self-worth and self-image on the models in ads and magazines? Teenagers, especially, feel the need to conform to society's view of the perfect body. The media has a strong effect on people, especially young girls. Who do you think is giving them the idea of the perfect body? You have many more beneficial things in life that you can focus on. "Beauty provokes harassment, the law says, but it looks through men's eyes when deciding what provokes it.". Harriets obsession with her body scares her mother, sadly Harriet is not the only one who faces this problem daily. As guest editor of Star Telegram newspaper, I did what was asked of me and reviewed the article written by Susan Bordo Never Just Pictures. Young girls are vulnerable and will not take criticism lightly, so it is best for them to be themselves. INTRODUCTION Society has set unrealistic beauty standards that women are bombarded with every day, compelling them to set beauty goals that are impossible to reach, and the effects of this are devastating. Be proud of yourself. T he death penalty should be outlawed. Open Document. Body image is a major issue for young ballet dancers with potentially life-damaging consequences because of the distorted idea of body image instilled in them at such a young age. The researchers found that the first two groups resulted in a less likely report of body satisfaction and self-esteem than the third group (2005). This gives you a chance to address your audience's possible objections and make your argument stronger. Celebrities and the media play a big part on the beauty standards placed on people.The unrealistic standard placed on people make them feel like they need to change themselves. Not to mention, that the photo may be photoshopped to make it seem as her body is perfect, or she had plastic surgery to fit the idea of having the perfect body. Media should realize that their portrayal does have a tremendous effect on mass perception and how people are affected both mentally and physically because of their ignorant non-sensical beauty standard setting. However, it is not just, On top of this, 69% of girls in 5th-12th grade reported that magazine pictures and runway models influenced their idea of a perfect body shape (only 5% of the female population naturally has the body type portrayed as ideal in advertisement). However, many people with body image issues are adolescents and younger adults. I will use the sociological imagination to analyze a situation which had a huge impact on me, which will be body image and how media and family affect it. Many of these celebrities go out and get plastic surgery, Botox injections, and Silicone implants. These standards for beauty create what our society believes makes a woman desirable, attractive, perfect, and overall beautiful. How often do we get to see models who are not thin and slender? Before we reveal the 191 best persuasive speech topics, let's preview each of the categories: Politics and law: This topic revolves around pressing issues including voting, Supreme Court decisions, political leadership, and criminal justice. The media states that a perfect person is skinny, tan, has shiny hair, straight teeth, and completely clear skin. Most girls, if not all girls, have gone through one particular phase in life: finding self-confidence. The popular girl who is captain of the cheer squad could also be the girl kneeling over the toilet gagging up the food she eats. Mark K. Stafford is an American English writer. 3. The media influences people all the time to have a negative body image and nobody is doing anything to stop it. A slight minority of women do recover from having body images issues, but for many women it remains to be a life long struggle where they will continue to battle with their self-image and self-concept for their entire, The unrealistic body images portrayed by both genders in the media have long term impacts on an adolescents self-esteem and future, so take a long look at yourself in the mirror and learn to love what you. They see other women who look different than they do and think to themselves why can 't i look like that. Those involved in the art form and the public have argued whether ballet has pushed the ideal ballet body stereotype to such an extreme that the ballet community is full of insecure, depressed and eating disorder ridden girls. Tips for Preparing Your Persuasive Speech. In an article written by Pavica Sheldon, she states that The average American woman is 54 and 140 pounds, whereas the average female model portrayed in the media is 511 and 120 pounds. How are people of the darker shade any less beautiful than the fair-skinned? . It is an unnecessary and potentially harmful comparison to. 1430 words 5 page (s) Abstract. Eating disorders are mostly developed by women. The medias interpretation of the ideal body is even affecting kids. We live in a world in which our society influences our everyday routine, behaviors, actions and how we see ourselves. Yet some may challenge the view that Social Media apps are a reliable and effective method of communicating, Sherry Turkle stresses people are substituting online communication for face-to-face interaction. We are all unique. The fact that the media thinks theyre encouraging young girls and women to embrace their beauty, theyre influencing them that they have to have a perfect body in order to get attention. But the standards are still the same. To inform the audience about loving and embracing the beauty or unique appearance is not so bad after all. Smoking in public should be illegal. College students should live on campus. Step 2 - Select a good persuasive speech topic to accomplish the goal and choose a position. This article will help me to prove my point that many teenage girls choose plastic surgery because they are looking for, The American Society of Plastic Surgeons said nearly 219,000 procedures were done just on teens in 2010, which the most common were nose reshaping, breast augmentation, liposuction, and male breast reduction (Collins 2). Nowadays we are surrounded with billions of images and we are influenced by the people we see in magazines and advertisements. I do not believe everyone sees the same things, there are way too many different personalities and perspectives in the world for everyone to see and think the same way. Statistics show that girls are developing eating disorders at the age of six. Every day, there are girls who look in the mirror and all they see is fat and ugly. The pressure on women to be beautiful in today's society has changed . Some women are willing to sacrifice comfort and tolerate the pain to achieve them. Open Document. By allowing a wider variety of figures into this industry it will allow women around the world to feel comfortable in their own skin. 1529 Words. This student's outline is well developed, coherent, integrates research, follows a strong organizational pattern, and meets all expectations of an outline in a public speaking course. I think we are all beautiful just the way we are. 191 Best Persuasive Speech Topics. Being On social media every day, every hour, and every minute can really cause damage to your brain cells.Our brain grows as when learn new things and when we learn the new things it changes after we done experienced it. 5% of women naturally possess the bodies that are regularly displayed in the media. Analyzes how social media has lambasted celebrities for their unattainable physical standards, including sam smith, d'angelo, chris brown, and justin bieber. 49. While not all beauty image ideals promote negative feelings and dissatisfaction, many believe that the negative effects far outweighs any positive effects. As we are each driven by the idea that we are able to achieve some sort of perfection, the average person is faced with dissatisfaction of their bodies, some of which may be caused by the media. Some people say evolution is the reason women strive to perfect their figure and men to be masculine, because in nature wider hips and bigger breasts, They spend their precious youth scared of what people will think and trying to change or heighten their appearance. Reflect Eurocentric paradigms that prize they feel like their size and shape is not only... Regularly displayed in the mirror and all they see other women who in. Or how much you hate your nose, your breasts, the cellulite on internet... Photoshop can negatively affect adolescent girls are developing eating disorders among adolescent girls body image can... 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persuasive speech about beauty standards

persuasive speech about beauty standards

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