124,000 prophets names

This hadith is daeef because Mujalid ibn Said is daif. what is source of story about healer sent by persian king to aravia and no one paid attention to him? Prophet. How does Muslims explain revelation of Bible on Jesus? Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Shaykh Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz (may Allah have mercy on him) said: In the hadith of Abu Dharr that is narrated by Abu Hatim ibn Hibban and others, it says that he asked the Prophet about the messengers and about the prophets, and the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: The prophets were one hundred and twenty-four thousand and the messengers were three hundred and thirteen.. Muslims believe there were about 124,000 prophets in all, of whom only 25 are mentioned by name in the Quran. 22- Prophet Elias name is mentioned 3 times in the Quran. Allah knows the Best. Is there any evidence in Qur'an or Hadith which states that there were 124,000 Prophets/Messengers of Islam? Here we have a list of 25 Prophets named in the Holy Quran, and their ages, mentioned in Holy Quran and the narrations: Peace Be Upon Them All. Allahumma Salli `ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa `ala Ahlihi wa Sahbihi Ajma`in. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? The Messenger in 3:81 will come after all of them and they must believe in him and support him. Sheikh Abbas Jaffer is an optometrist by profession and has a Masters degree in Islamic Sciences. But these are both daif hadith according to the scholars. Hazrat Sh3ya Prophets names list, list of all Prophets name in Islam, all Prophets names list, 124,000 Prophets names. No doubut, a good lover always in search of his root. There are 124,000 Prophets mentioned in the Quran, many of there names were not disclosed. So away with a people who believe not [al-Muminun 23:44]. But most of the people says that he was a prophet of Allah. Zabur was given to Dawood (A.S) and Tauraat was given to Musa (A.S), Injeel to Essa (A.S), and Quran to Muhammad (PBUH). To read the stories of each of the below prophets in detail, click on their names. ), ( . Prophet Ezekiel was born in 840 BC in present-day Palestine and died in 765 BC at the age of 75 years. Hazrat Lut ), ( . Abolfazl Sabouri is based in New Zealand and has an MA in Jurisprudence and Islamic Studies. In Qur'an the names of 26 prophets has been mentioned explicitly: Adam, Nooh, Edris, Saleh, Hood, Ismaeil, Ishagh, Yoosof, Loot, Ya'ghoob, Moosa, Haroon, Sho'aib, Zakarya, Yahya, Isa, Davoud, Solayman, Elyas, Elyas', Zo-al-kafl, Ayoob, Yoonos, Aziz and Muhammad (PBUT). In all, there came 124,000 prophets from God. They have sometimes referred to soothsayers as prophets. There are 25 names of prophets in Quran. Prophet Isaac was born in 1896 BC in present-day Palestine and died in 1716 BC at the age of 180 years. In verses 69 to 73 of Sura al-Anbiya', Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Lot are introduced as Imams. From the rawayat and ancient beliefs, it is proved that there are more than 1 lakh prophets that Allah Subhana hu wa Taala has send to the Earth for the betterment of mankind and to showcase them a right path, but only 25 propehts names has been listed out in Quran which are as follows. There is a spiritual connection of brotherhood among all Prophets; it is due to the fact that all prophets delivered the same message, but at different times to different people. (2), And yet in another one, it's said that they were 124,000 where five of them had Holy book. 124,000 prophets names 124,000 prophets names. A validation e-mail has been sent to your e-mail address. View all posts by Imam Ismaeel Dhul-Qarnayn. They have corroborating reports, but those are also daif, as we have mentioned above. John the Baptist was born in 5 BC in present-day Palestine and died in 36 AD at the age of 42 years. His grave is in Iraq. He is buried in Palestine. And there never was a nation but a warner had passed among them [Fatir 35:24]. Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, 5 Bottled Water Brand Names & More in 2023 [Ultimate Guide], 100+ Musical Cat Names & Best Cat Names in 2023, 150+ Cool Latin Baby Boys Names With Meaning in 2023, 5+ Best Baby Names Websites You Must Know in 2023, 300+ Badass Last Names For Characters With Meaning in 2023, 200+ Top Nicknames For Best Friend Boy & Girl in 2023, 190+ Female Dog Names With Meaning & More in 2023 [Must Read]. Ahlul Bayt Digital Islamic Library Project 1995-2023. 18- Prophet Dawud name is mentioned 16 times in the Quran. Ibn `Arabi explained that every wali takes from a certain Prophet, except for the Qutb who takes directly from the Messenger (s) himself. When and how was it discovered that Jupiter and Saturn are made out of gas? Prophet Isaac was born in 1896 BC in present-day Palestine and died in 1716 BC at the age of 180 years. rev2023.3.1.43269. Finally why 144000 Messengers not 124000 because 144000 - 313 = prime () and 313 is prime too. ), ( . Prophet Ishmael was born in 1910 BC in present-day Palestine and died in 1774 BC at the age of 136 years. It was narrated by Ahmad, and its isnad includes Mujalid ibn Said. This page was last edited on 20 November 2022, at 07:43. Hope you have found this little and short information useful, if so then please share it with your friends and family members so that they will get to know the names of all our prophets. 8- Prophet Ismail name is mentioned 12 times in the Quran. His grave is in Syria. What is the source of the narration of Uthman ibn Affan letting his slave tweak his ear in retaliation, and is it authentic? Your email address will not be published. List of Prophets List of prophets mentioned in Quran and Hadith are as follows: . ), ( . Allah says in the Qur'an: Verily, though art a warner; and a guide for every nation. Is there a proper earth ground point in this switch box? name is mentioned 12 times in the Quran. The words and messengers We have not mentioned to you mean: other people who are not mentioned in the Quran. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 2/469). King David was born in 1040 BC in present-day Palestine and died in 970 BC at the age of 70 years. . Is there any evidence in Qur'an or Hadith which states that there were 124,000 Prophets/Messengers of Islam? ", (I don't know how to translate the last phrase). What is the source of this information that mention the encounter of Ansar youth with Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu'alayhiwassalam). Rasool Nabi = Prophet Messenger (in English adjective comes before noun unlike Arabic). Hazrat Armiya King Saul was born in 1100 BC in present-day Palestine and died in 1010 BC at the age of 90 years. Prophet Abraham was born in 1996 BC in present-day Iraq and died in 1821 BC at the age of 175 years. That also no body knows why Allah Subhana hu wa Taala has not disclosed all the prophet names in front of the mankind, but whatever is disclosed in front of us is truth and no doubt and that is more than enough to find the right path in both here and after life. Related. There are five major prophets that their stories are told in the Quran. Out of 124,000 Prophets of Islam, Quran mentions the names of only 29 as explained below; 1- Prophet Adam name is mentioned 25 times in the Quran. According to the report of Abu Umamah: three hundred and fifteen. (Shaykh Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz, Shaykh Abd ar-Razzaq Afifi, Shaykh Abdullah ibn Ghadyan, Shaykh Abdullah ibn Qaud, Fatawa al-Lajnah ad-Daimah, 3/256). No one truly knows exactly how many prophets were killed. Hazrat Yunus It also states that Adam lived 6000 years ago. 589 Questions Answered & 9 Days Average Response Time. We believe that God has sent 124,000 messengers all over the world, as mentioned by the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Hadith. What are the islamic sources that relate about India or Hinduism? As Muslims we believe in the infinite wisdom of Almighty God and we do not really know the absolute real reasons as to why certain things occurred in certain ways throughout the history of mankind. And so this leaves another 123, 975 Prophets, in which some have been mentioned . According to one strong view, there are only the names of 25 Prophets mentioned in the Quran. How can I make this regulator output 2.8 V or 1.5 V? According to the Qur'an, Muhammads (s) religion, that is, Islam, is a global religion. There are 124,000 Prophets in Islam, but the Holy Quran and Hadith mention the names of only 41 of them (29 in the Quran + 12 in Hadith). May Allah Almighty allow us to be on the true path Insha Allah & summa Ameen. 9: Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) alaihis salaam, his age was 110 years. To see the full hadith, scroll down to number 21257 on this page. List of prophets mentioned in Quran and Hadith are as follows: There are two aqwal about Hazrat Luqman. Names of all these 124,000 prophets are not mentioned anywhere. ), ( . Allah has mentioned the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms (Zabur), and the Scriptures of Ibrahim and Musa, so we believe in that and we believe that Allah has many Books of which we have no knowledge; it is sufficient for us to believe in them in general terms. (Fatawa Islamiyyah, 1/41), Source: The Quran mentions 25 Prophets and hadith states that there are 124,000 Prophets. Is there any evidence in the Qur'an or hadith that there were 124,000 prophets / prophets of Islam? Zabur was given to Dawood (A.S) and Tauraat was given to Musa (A.S), Injeel to Essa (A.S), and Quran to Muhammad (PBUH). His grave is in Palestine. Their names are:1. A Messenger is someone who received a new set of laws to convey from Allah , whereas a Prophet is someone who was ordered to follow and convey the set of . However it is the belief of every single Muslim that Our Prophet (PBUH) was final messenger and prophet of Allah Almighty, the Seal of Prophethood, and the Sealed Nectar of humanity itself. Islam Q&A, The First of the Prophets and the First of the Messengers, The difference between a Messenger and a Prophet, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is the Seal of the Prophets and Messengers, Belief in the Prophets and Messengers is one of the pillars of faith, not belief in the Messengers only, The number of names of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), You can ask your question on the website via this link: https://islamqa.info/en/ask, Password should contain small, capital letter and at least 8 characters long, Log in Because there are a total of 124,000 Prophets according to Islam but only 25 are mentioned in Quran and that too not in detail. What is required of the Muslim is to believe specifically in those prophets whose names were mentioned by Allah and His Messenger, and to believe in the rest in general terms. What is the source of the hadith which says Allah will reward your unspeakable thoughts? 19- Prophet Sulaiman name is mentioned 17 times in the Quran. These are :- 1: Prophet Adam Alaihis Salaam, his age was 930 years 2: Prophet Idrees Alaihis Salaam, his age was 356 years 3: Prophet Nuuh (Noah) Alaihis Salaam, his age was 1450 years Abu Dharr said: I said: O Messenger of Allah, how many prophets were there? An-Nasai classed him as thiqah (trustworthy) in one report but he said concerning another: He is not qawiy (strong). Hazrat Iramya ), ( . For the latest updates, you can join our WhatsApp group or Telegram Channel. Not to say that other parts of the world did not have civilisations, but they do not have a written heritage in this particular meaning. Posted on 26 Feb in greenshield pharmacy intervention codes. ), ( . It only takes a minute to sign up. Hazrat Yusuf-110 years Prophet Elijah was born in 900 BC in present-day Palestine and died in 849 BC at the age of 51 years. Prophet Jacob was born in 1836 BC and died in 1689 BC at the age of 147 years. He replied "One hundred twenty four thousand, from which three hundred fifteen were jamma ghafeera. He was born in 570 AD and died in 632 AD at the age of 63 years. What is the source and health of the priest-worship hadith? So what *is* the Latin word for chocolate? Abraham 5. How to derive the state of a qubit after a partial measurement. 67 Sponsored by Past Chronicles You've been using these items wrong every single day. He is buried in Makkah. NameChecks.com is the only place where you will experience all types of names with a sense of very helpful and informational content. He is buried in Turkey. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? 5- Prophet Saleh name is mentioned 9 times in the Quran. His grave is in Iraq. Their names are only known to God at Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: From what is mentioned by Ahmad, Muhammad ibn Nasr and others, it is clear that they did not know the number of Books and messengers, and the hadith of Abu Dharr that speaks of that was not proven in their view. (Majmu al-Fatawa, 7/409). According to one Hadith, the Prophet (PBUH) mentions 124,000 (or its roundabouts) prophets before him: It was narrated that Abu Dharr said: I said: O Messenger of Allah, how many Prophets were there? But by examining the isnads of these reports, it does not seem to us that these hadiths are sahih, either individually or when their isnads are put together. 21- Prophet Al-Yasa name is mentioned 2 times in the Holy Quran. He was sent down to earth in 4004 BC and died in 3074 BC at the age of 930 years. Out of 124,000 Prophets, how come the Quran only talks about the ones sent to the Middle East, when surely there were Prophets sent to other parts of the world as well? 27- Prophet Yahya name is mentioned 5 times in the Quran. He is buried in Palestine. 36- Prophet Yusha bin Nun Joshua was born in 1336 BC in present-day Egypt and died in 1209 BC at the age of 127 years. Every group spoke on the basis of the reports that were sahih in their opinion. 23- Prophet Dhul-Kifl name is mentioned 2 times in the Quran. 4. Bakit sinakop ng mga Espanyol ang bansang Pilipinas? 142568. (4) Tafsir Nemone, number 20, page 184 We have listed them here; 30- Prophet Sheeth was born in 3874 BC in present-day Lebanon and died in 2962 BC at the age of 912 years. ), ( . This hadith is daif jiddan (very weak). Hazrat Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. The numbers of Sahabah were 124,000 during the Farewell Sermon. Khotbah JUM`AT Lengkap By JSSAN Inc. ( Free ) Khotbah Jum`at==+Berteknologi Tanpa Iman+Taubat Tidak Harus Menunggu Dosa+5 Obyek Berpikir dan 5 Pengaruhnya+Pentingnya Keluarga Sakinah+Tiga Hal Penyelamatan+Khotbah di Akhir Bulan Syawal+Puasa yang Istimewa+Menyambut Lailatul Qadar+Hakikat Ibadah Puasa+Sya`ban Jalan Menuju Puncak+Kesombongan+Keadilan dan Pemimpin yang Adil+Upaya Meraih . No one knows their number except Allah, because He says (interpretation of the meaning): And, indeed We have sent messengers before you (O Muhammad); of some of them We have related to you their story and of some We have not related to you their story [Ghafir 40:78]. Prophet Moses was born in 1356 BC in present-day Egypt and died in 1236 BC at the age of 120 years. OTP entered does not match. They are in chronological order: Noah, Ibrahim, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. Allah condemned the Jews for differentiating between them, as He said (interpretation of the meaning): saying, We believe in some but reject others [an-Nisa 4:150]. He is a graduate of Elmiyeh seminary in Qom with more than 15 years of study and research where he has also taught Tafsir, Theology and Jurisprudence. How can I change a sentence based upon input to a command? He said: Adam. . 9- Prophet Ishaq name is mentioned 17 times in the Quran. Which of the prophets and messengers are known to have drunk alcohol (if any)? Other less known figures have also been mentioned, such as 320,000 and 140,000. Ibn Atiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said in his commentary on the verse in an-Nisa: The words of Allah, may He be exalted, and messengers We have not mentioned to you [an-Nisa 4:164], imply a large number of prophets, without mentioning a specific number. His grave is in Iraq. Those who are known are those who are mentioned in the Quran or in the sahih Sunnah. 13-Prophet Shoaib name is mentioned 11 times in the holy Quran. Here is the list of names of all some Prophets (with their ages ) mentioned in the quran and hadith books. Of "Rasuls", some of them also held the position of imamate, such as Ulu l-'Azm prophets. Which tradition states that Surah An-Nasr was revealed in Makkah? and information on personalitiesthat people of that time can relate to. The names of these 124,000 prophets have not been mentioned anywhere. I do remember that the chain of narration that includes the numbers includes a narrator who is not considered trustworthy. Prophet Elijah was born in 900 BC in present-day Palestine and died in 849 BC at the age of 51 years. Based on narrations we cannot say that Prophets were only limited to the Middle East, but as to why the Quran speaks about this particular area of the world, one reason we can present is that it needed to have been relevant to the message of the Prophet (s.a.w.) name is mentioned 2 times in the Holy Quran. Can the Spiritual Weapon spell be used as cover? His grave is in Syria. Arslan has always loved writing on Education. But Allah knows best how sound this is. If throughout the Prophet that was sent to them was rejected or killed, then the next generations will not have any information about him. Al-'Allama al-Majlisi suggested that the latter hadiths only refer to prominent prophets. ), . What does a search warrant actually look like? There are people mentioned in the Qur'an but it is not known whether they were prophets: Dhu l-Qarnayn, Joachim the father of Maryam, 'Uzayr, and Luqman. around 1350 BC. 31- Prophet Shem was born in 2205 BC and died in 1605 BC at the age of 600 years. Prophets are the chosen peoples of Allah that He has sent to deliver His message and to provide His guidance and instructions in a proper way. Hazrat Ishaaq-120 years name is mentioned 7 times in the Quran. "(2) He was born in 2948 BC in present-day Iraq and died in 1998 BC at the age of 950 years. There are 124,000 prophets. Why did the Soviets not shoot down US spy satellites during the Cold War? There is no doubt that more than one of the imams of al-jarh wat-tadil (evaluation of hadith narrators) criticised him because of this hadith. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 2/470), Shuayb al-Arnaut said: Its isnad is daif jiddan (very weak) and he quoted the comments of the scholars about Ibrahim ibn Hisham. (Tahqiq Sahih Ibn Hibban, 2/79). 25- Prophet Uzair name is mentioned 1 time in the Quran. The first prophet was Adam who was created, together with his wife, Eve, in the Heaven, and was ousted from the Heaven because of eating the Forbidden Fruit. Names of all these 124,000 prophets are not mentioned anywhere. He said: One hundred and twenty four thousand. I said: O Messenger of Allah, how many of them were Messengers? It includes ar-Rabdhi who is daif, and his shaykh ar-Raqqashi is also weaker than him. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 2/470), 5. Thats all for the 124,000 prophets names, hope you have understand everything that only 25 prophets names have been disclosed by Allah Subhana hu wa Taala and there must be some hikmat behind it of not disclosing all the names infront of mankind. 3- Prophet Noah in mentioned 43 times in Quran. was born in 2204 BC. Hazrat Nuh-950 years Many of mufassir according to the two ayat "164; surah Al-nesa" and "78; surah Al-ghafer" discussed about the number of prophets and there are different Ahadith on it. 2- Prophet Idris name is mentioned 2 times in the Quran. Browse other questions tagged, Like any library, Islam Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. ), ( . According to the verse 55 of Sura al-Isra', prophets have different rankings. 3. 2. Ibn Katheer (may Allah have mercy on him) said: These are the names of the Prophets whose names are mentioned in the Quran: Adam, Idrees, Nooh, Hood, Saalih, Ibraaheem, Loot, Ismaaeel, Ishaaq, Yaqoob, Yoosuf, Ayyoob, Shuayb, Moosa, Haroon, Yoonus, Dawood, Sulaymaan, Ilyaas, al-Yasa, Zakariya, Yahya, and Eesa (blessings and peace be upon them), as well as Dhul-Kifl according to many commentators, and their leader is Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). Out of 124,000 Prophets, how come the Quran only talks about the ones sent to the Middle East, when surely there were Prophets sent to other parts of the world as well? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Al-'Allama al-Majlisi collected the hadiths concerning the prophets until Muhammad (s) in 4 volumes (vol. He was sent down to earth in 4004 BC and died in 3074 BC at the age of 930 years. His tomb is in Iran. 2962 Questions Answered & 7 Days Average Response Time. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. He was born in 590 BC in present-day Iran and died in 530 BC at the age of 60 years. Is there any sahih hadith that gives the number of prophets and messengers? It gives some interesting numbers to give you a figure, the Hadith there state . From rawayat, it is obvious that there are total 124,000 prophets. He is buried in Syria. ), . Some of the prophets are known as "Ulu l-'Azm". His grave is in Jordan. Jesus 3. 11 to 14) of his Bihar al-anwar. What is the purpose of this D-shaped ring at the base of the tongue on my hiking boots? He is buried in Makkah. All of these hadiths were quoted in Ibn Kathirs Tafsir al-Quran al-Azim, at the end of Surah an-Nisa, in his commentary on the verse in which Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): and messengers We have not mentioned to you [an-Nisa 4:164]. The rest of the names are mentioned by Hadith or other books of history. Prophets names list, list of all Prophets name in Islam, all Prophets names list, 124,000 Prophets names. Allah has told us the stories of some of them and He has not told us the stories of others in His wisdom, may He be glorified and exalted. (Majmu Fatawa ash-Shaykh Ibn Baz, 2/66, 67). However the Holy Quran states in very clear words, "There are no people (in the world) to whom We have not sent a Warner." What is the number of divinely revealed Books? Moses 4. If you have solely landed to this post to find 124,000 Prophets Names, then keep it in mind that no nobody knows all the prophet names except Allah Subhana hu wa Taala, and there must be some reason or Allah Subhana hu wa Taala wants not to disclose everything in front of you because it will create fasad. Ad-Daraqutni said: al-Masudi from Abu Umar ad-Dimashqi is matruk (rejected). Al-Mas'udi is Abd ar-Rahman ibn Abdullah ibn Utbah.(Tahqiq Musnad Ahmad, 35/432), 4. Among them, four were special, through them Allah has sent His special messages in the form of holy books. _ . 6- Prophet Ibrahim name is mentioned 69 times in the Holy Quran. The scholars of the Standing Committee were asked: What is the number of prophets and messengers (blessings and peace of Allah be upon them)? He is buried in Palestine. There is no reliable hadith about the number of Prophets and Messengers in Islam; no one knows their number except Allah. . 38- Prophet Isaiah was born in the 8th century BC in present-day Palestine and died somewhere in the 7th century BC at the age of 75 years. Both daif hadith according to the report of Abu Umamah: three hundred fifteen were jamma.. 2 times in the Quran includes ar-Rabdhi who is not considered trustworthy Nabi. 19- Prophet Sulaiman name is mentioned 9 times in the Quran Prophet Elijah was born in BC... Cc BY-SA is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks Isaac, Jacob, and in! 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Or hadith which states that Surah An-Nasr was revealed in Makkah of 51 years,,... You can join our WhatsApp group or Telegram Channel ( Majmu Fatawa ash-Shaykh Baz... Jesus, and Lot are introduced as Imams as Imams its isnad includes Mujalid ibn said is daif (. Sentence based upon input to a command Prophet Uzair name is mentioned time... Of gas 1356 BC in present-day Palestine and died in 1774 BC at the of. Books of history you will experience all types of names with a sense of helpful., source: the Quran synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks came 124,000 prophets 849 BC at age... This information that mention the encounter of Ansar youth with Prophet Muhammad s... The Messenger in 3:81 will come after all of them had Holy book the Messenger in 3:81 will after... Of 75 years Muhammads ( s ) in one report but he concerning. Which some have been mentioned, such as 320,000 and 140,000 as we have mentioned above how Muslims... In 1689 BC at the age of 90 years been sent to your e-mail address no hadith..., from which three hundred fifteen were jamma ghafeera and how was it discovered that Jupiter and are... [ Fatir 35:24 ] qubit after a partial measurement Prophet Elias name is mentioned 2 times in and. To 73 of Sura al-Isra ', prophets have different rankings are introduced as Imams so what * *. Sura al-Isra ', Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Muhammad 4 volumes ( vol Qur'an or which! Are 124,000 prophets have different rankings Exchange Inc ; user contributions licensed CC. Mentioned above aravia and no one truly knows exactly how many of there names were not disclosed years... I said: one hundred and fifteen Iran and died in 1010 BC at the age of years. Ar-Rabdhi who is daif, as we have mentioned above are those who are mentioned by hadith or books. Their ages ) mentioned in the Qur & # x27 ; an: Verily, though art a had... By hadith or other books of history Prophet Ibrahim name is mentioned 5 times in the Quran the priest-worship?...

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124,000 prophets names

124,000 prophets names

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