positive impacts of human activity on coastal landscapes

. [3], Comment on workings of coastal system - inputs/stores/flows/outputs magnitude of process changes with spatial scale - Decrease in wave height leads to decrease in wave energy (1) Key scales? -Residential, This means that all our day to day rubbish that we drop or leave on the park bench ends up in the sea. - Sub-aerial processes are a combination of weathering as mass movement. Ease of construction Coastal sediments 77. scars on the cliff face Humans are intellectual. The content may vary according to the landscape but may include: They can think, reason, feel and make deductions or hypothesis and seek to solve or prove their deductions or theories. Use of colour in key? Examination of the role changing over time Physical weathering/disintegration by such processes as freeze-thaw action, salt crystallisation, and wetting and drying. Examples could be stacks, arches, and wave cut platforms but credit any relevant landform. Knowledge and understanding of relevant case study material. Richard A. Davis Jr. . Candidates may refer to how the impact of coastal processes may change over time. AO1.1 a.1 b c 3 Total 10 5 15 This question requires candidates to demonstrate their ability to develop a sustained line of reasoning which is coherent, relevant, substantiated and logically structured. whether the reduction of impacts of human activity has been successful (a) Use Figure 2 to describe the pattern of wave energy. The relative importance of different sub aerial processes in the formation of one or more identified landforms 9.4 Coastal landscapes and processes (The Earth's crust is modified by . Nets entangle many fishes and other creature around the coast of Australia especially the Gulf of Carpentaria. [8]. the extent to which modification of processes operating in a coastal environment has been successful Candidates may reach the conclusion that geology plays a variable part in the development of the landform(s) but a conclusion is not necessary in order to reach the top of Band 3. Describe how a reduction in energy may lead to sediment sorting. able to erode more effectively, 19. Part of Springer Nature. 4. Herein, bacterial communities and soil carbon content in coastal wetland native areas . However, excessively high sediment loads can smother submerged aquatic vegetation beds, cover shellfish beds and tidal flats, fill in riffle, The Effects of Human Activity on Coastal Landforms. We can all be conservationists, and many people are doing their bit at home to protect the Ocean. 2. In some cases secondary dunes form. AO2 -Mouth, e.g. [5], Expensive overall More than 50% of the U.S. population lives within 50 miles (80 km) of a shoreline. Development of barrier islands accessed by these causeways resulted in various types of construction that have negatively impacted on the coastal zone. (2019) suggests that climate change is currently by far the most important stressor for ocean and coastal ecosystems.In this study the cumulative impact of 14 stressors related to human activities (including climate change, fishing, land-based pressures, and other commercial activities) on 21 different marine ecosystems globally was estimated for each . It was not long before attempts to control erosion resulted in various types of structures such as jetties, groins, and seawalls. But if we add humans to these beaches what do we get. Coastal regions are highly vulnerable to the impacts of human activities, land cover change, sea level rise (SLR), and climate extremes. There are two types of coastal management: Hard engineering - this involves building structures to protect the coast. Arrowed explanations will assist the candidate to reach Band 3. How human activities impact on coastal ecosystem during rapid urbanization is one of the hot spots in the coastal management study. (b) Suggest two reasons why the rate of deposition varies along a coastline. The content will depend upon the impact chosen and may include: Protection of cliffs by a variety of management strategies - groynes, sea walls etc. Overbuilding and extensive paving of shorelines can result in destruction of habitats and disruption of land-sea connections such as sea-turtle nesting spots. Significant areas of loss are located from 33 km to approximately 48 km reaching as low as -1.5 per year. Ability to show change over time The environment on the other hand is inanimate and exists by means of . (a) (i) Use Figure 1 to compare the shoreline changes shown at Location 1 and Location 2. An assessment of changes over geographical space The Human Impact on Coastal Landscape. Check benefits and financial support you can get, Find out about the Energy Bills Support Scheme, Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, last year designating a further 41 Marine Protection Zones. Springer, Dordrecht. concentration in South East Wales The specification identifies the following landforms as depositional - beaches, spits, bars, tombolos and cuspate forelands. Major cities like New York are right next to the sea. There are 4 key areas which have affected the coastline: Its common in parts of the UK for Crowded Coasts to be used as a term, Many people who work in London can no longer afford housing there, so some commute in from coastal towns and cities (Brighton). [10], AO1 Candidates should be able to show the knowledge and understanding of the sub aerial processes of coastal weathering (the breaking down of rock in situ). Relevant responses may include: (a) (ii) Suggest one social loss associated with coastal erosion. Examine the relative importance of geology in the development of one or more landforms of coastal erosion. [5], chalk cliffs steeper than clay and sand, 3. Plastic microbeads in beauty products have been banned, ensuring tiny pieces of plastic cant enter the Ocean food chain. Identification of individual groups. In Stauble, D.M. [6], lithological factors in the specification are mineral composition, hardness and solubility. A study by Halpern et al. Human Activity & Coastal Landscapes. Content may vary according to landform(s) selected but may include: Activity: Impact: Development: Buildings on the coasts increase the weight pressure on cliffs; examination of the role of vegetation - increased deposition aided by plants in marshes and dunes 20622077. We are kicking off the new year by planting 2,023 trees with Ecologi! Also a great place to retire examples include Bournemouth and Blackpool. erosion of sediment from beach Internationally the UK continues to push for greater protection of marine habitats on the world stage with 20 countries joining the UK-led Global Ocean Alliance, which aims to secure protection for at least 30% of the worlds oceans by 2030. [15]. PubMedGoogle Scholar. Davis, R.A., Hine, A.C., and Bland, M.J., 1987. It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. This may include: Between the barrier beach and the main coast is the Great South Bay. Strength of winds - some places may be affected by strong winds whilst others may be sheltered Washington, DC: National Academy Press. type of process changes with time/spatial scale - marine to fluvial and glacial This leaves the sand dunes more susceptible to erosion causing blowouts and disrupting the succession of vegetation in the area. - Used to compare different areas, and they are a useful visual aid as they can show differences clearly both decrease/show erosion https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-3880-1_175, Shipping restrictions may apply, check to see if you are impacted, Reference Module Physical and Materials Science, Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Changes of boundaries, ie choropleth. the extent to which the strategy has modified erosion or deposition issues They may affect sources of new sediment to the coast and the movement of sediment within the coastal environment; they may promote changes in sea level, both local . The cost of this over the years is well into the millions and although replenishing the beaches with sand is helpful now, it is hardly a long term solution (Fox). Have students watch three videos about human activities that threaten the world ocean. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the variety of time scales outlined in the specification over which coastal processes operate - seconds, seasons and millennia. examination of supply of sediment - some places have greater inputs of sediment from rivers, cliffs etc melting of glaciers AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of how erosional, and other valid, processes produce landforms. The content will depend upon the landform(s) chosen and may include: (ed. Recognition that the role of marine processes can vary for the same landform between locations. -Meander, Bar charts, cumulative bars and pie charts There are still trout but there are very few, from what there used to be. This is more than half the worlds population. It is also possible to accept dunes, salt marshes and tidal flats. Field Sketches: This has been a problem at Studland Bay in Dorset on the south coast of England. Major cities like New York are right next to the sea. Encyclopedia of Earth Science Series. [3], Allow 1 mark for identification of a valid social loss such as homelessness, loss of possessions, trauma, injury etc. Some of these are a result of direct acts of development and others are indirectly the result of these activities. In Pye, K., and Allen, J.R.L. 3. This paper bibliometrically and systematically analyzed 2,613 studies found in the Web of Science Core . Domestic Marine Minister, Rebecca Pow, said: Whether it is to enjoy a sport, take a walk, watch the wildlife or to simply admire the landscape, for many of us spending time by the sea is not only hugely enjoyable, but it has a welcome impact on our well-being too. The growth of the Meat Free Monday movement is great for our Ocean. Use of colour in key Soft engineering - this involves working with nature by using natural materials or allowing nature to take back areas. This has happened for many year. AO2 Loss of farm land in the southern section of the photograph The report highlights the important role of marine conservation work as visits to marine and coastal areas with designated or protected status and those with higher levels of biodiversity were associated with higher levels of calmness, relaxation and revitalisation, compared to locations without this status. Concerns arising from the pollution of coastal and marine waters from land based sources are well established. Once developed, communities make an effort to protect their beach homes and coastal businesses. The swash zone is the area of wet sand, caused by the incoming wave. Another human impact could be fishing. (b) Assess the positive impacts of human activity on the coastal landscape at one or more locations. Significant areas of gain are located from 0 to 4 km and reaches 3 m per year. A lot of the seawalls and groins were buried in order to form the new beaches. (a) Label Figure 1b to explain the processes responsible for the formation of landform X. Some environmental issues on the coast have got to do with the impact of humans and some dont. By the time new sand was brought to the beach in 1991 to replenish what was eroded, there was hardly anything left. Location 1 1960 - Location 2 1969 advancement Knowledge and understanding of the processes operating over a time scale of millennia - isostatic and eustatic changes Landform/s will be clearly identified and must be erosional. 6. There is a shift in voting patterns, with more voters choosing to vote for parties with the better green and blue credentials. Responses can address one or more of these factors, 3. Part of Springer Nature. New York: ASCE, Coastal Sediments 77, pp. The gradual slope of the beaches before erosion and the replenishment of sand is no longer. Possible approaches may include: These are hydraulic action, abrasion and corrosion, attrition and solution. Headlands lying. * The sand dunes on the beaches. The relationship between humans and their environment is a topic that engenders much debate. That means the choices we make can have a positive or negative impact on the Ocean. People go there for work, tourism and to live in. [8], AO1 [2], linear clefts in a cliff / narrow inlet, 4. - vegetation can consolidate sand dunes, EDEXCEL geography coasts topic + exam style q, Evaluate the view that rates of coastal reces, ES2002 - Metamorphic Petrology and Processes, ES2003 - Ocean Circulation and Chemistry Week, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith. Knowledge and understanding of the processes operating over a time scale of seasons - variations in wave type, variations in wind, flood pulses J Coast Res 14:407417, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA, Harte Research Institute, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, TX, USA, You can also search for this author in global decrease in temperature in glacial periods Ability to show change over time? The pattern of loss and gain over space should be identified with confident use of x and y axis data. In England, 271 million recreational visits are made to coastal environments annually and more than 22 million people live within 5 miles of the coast. the development of dramatic scenery by erosional processes may attract tourists and lead to the development of a tourist industry (a) Use Figure 1 in the Resource Folder to identify and locate two landforms on the section of high energy coast from Linney Head (883957) to St Govan's Head (975927). Climate change and its serious impacts Changes to the coastlines caused by human activity have exacerbated the effects of climate change . provision of sediment to form beaches The specification lists these as beaches, spits, bars, tombolos and cuspate forelands. Humans interact with the world around us every day, but some of our actions are more harmful than others. Beaches (a) (i) Use Figure 2 to analyse changes in wave height for the three mangrove forests. [4], - Wave cut platforms: 896952 AO2 Candidates should apply knowledge and understanding to evaluate the impacts of human activity on the coastal environment. Climate change. [5]. reference to reef composition - live coral, sediment Access to the beaches of barrier islands resulted in fill-type causeways. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. the cost and benefits of the selected strategy. This has been successful in reducing the amount of sand that is drawn out to sea. knowledge and understanding of the reasons why a management strategy is required such as erosion of coastal dunes by tourists, destruction of coral reefs, erosion as a consequence of the use of groynes knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of the management strategy which could include physical structures and operations temporal variations in success, 11. 03.4 Assess the relative importance of weathering and erosion in the development of coastal landscapes. Or without humans. Great news for a joined up global effort to protect the Ocean. Protection, management and conservation of dune systems - replanting, boardwalks, areas not for public use Protection, management and conservation of mangroves - replanting, nature reserves Protection, management and conservation of coral reefs - managing pollution by industrial and domestic waste, harmful fishing techniques, managing tourism, global warming An examination of the role of marine processes over time in the formation and subsequent modification of the chosen landform/s. Increasing the protection of the Ocean via the designation of specially protected areas has had positive impacts on habitats and fish stocks in many locations. Having said this, physical factors also have significant impacts across coastal landscapes. In the other case, if there is more deposition than erosion, then the beaches grow due to more. Write the correct word in the space next to each definition. Human the transport and deposition of sediment may provide opportunities for the extraction of sand and gravel Cliffs To first understand the actual impact we have on coasts we have to understand what was before and what is now. Stability of Dunedin and Hurricane Passes, Pinellas County, Florida. Knowledge and understanding of processes of coastal erosion Date: November 4, 2008. The first reason why the beaches are eroding is because of rock jetties. There are four main processes of erosion along the coast. It is found that the activities occurring on . 92 67 The price of good farmland has risen sharply, from 2400 per hectare in 1995 to 30,000 in 2015. The government has taken steps to expand its Blue Belt of marine protection for Britains overseas territories and its own coast, last year designating a further 41 Marine Protection Zones, protecting species and habitats such as the rare stalked jellyfish and blue mussel beds. The content will depend upon the example or examples given but there are a number of threads that will be common for credit. Chemical weathering/decomposition including solution and carbonation. (a) (ii) Suggest how wave type could explain the overall change from 1945-2014. Climate change and rising sea levels are likely to lead to flooding by salt water during winter high tides, which could threaten the pastures. Answers could address the following but credit other valid responses: A conclusion may be drawn in the context of the landform(s). This may include: Knowledge and understanding of other processes that may form selected erosional landform - transport, deposition Here, we used a multispecies occupancy model (MSOM) to understand mammalian habitat use patterns across a mosaic of tropical dry forest in Colombia and elucidate whether forest cover is more important than its integrity and other . An examination of the scale of the role of erosional processes Climate Change: Regional Impacts. knowledge and understanding of the strategy to demonstrate how the management strategy modifies coastal processes Persistent human leisure activities on the dunes has led to substantial erosion in some parts of these dunes which has meant that Management programs have had to been introduced by English Nature. the extent to which there has been a changing focus of coastal erosion as sediment is trapped by groynes CERC, 1984. These plain beaches were clean, tidy, neat, even good looking. All points on scale? The report also warns that in the coming decades, climate change and extreme weather has the potential to jeopardise sensitive marine habitats, demonstrating the importance of the UKs network of Marine Protected Areas. Our applications were (lying, laying) in front of the file. Sheringham has highest wind erosion The extent to which associated factors such as mass movement, marine erosional processes, geological factors etc. Landforms that could be identified include fjords, rias or raised beaches. The way the coast is managed can cause conflict. The, Coastal Erosion is a natural process that takes place along the nations coast causing a loss of sediments in some places and deposits in others.3. Credit one mark for use of data to back up/illustrate each comparison, up to max. The geological structure incorporates bedding planes, dip, folding and faulting and can add distinctive features to these landforms. AO1 content encompasses knowledge and understanding of the factors that influence the development of selected landforms with particular reference to geology. Reading: Human Modifications of Coastal Processes. [10]. Credit any other valid points. Despite the negativity surrounding the current state of our Ocean, the good news is that its not too late to turn things around. The primary dune's main function is to absorb the force of the ocean and protect the great south bay and the island's main coast. AO2 Candidates should address the importance of wind and/or consider interrelationships between wind and other factors identified. In the 1970s, the government issued a project to replenish the beaches by replacing the sand that had been eroded away over time (Fox). Processes could be accessed via the formation of a landform such as rias, estuaries, beaches, cliff lines, salt marsh, sand dunes etc. 2. The good news is it's not too late to turn things around. 271 million recreational visits are made to the coast each year. Both approaches seen above are acceptable. This is called an erosional coastline. Examination of the role of other processes People introduce fish into the sea to fish. ), Coastal and Estuarine Environments: Sedimentology, Geomorphology, and Geoarchaeology. geographical context Positive impacts could include the management and conservation of environmentally sensitive areas, the protection of areas of coastline from erosion as part of a shoreline management plan (SMP), where there has been an improvement of the coast as an amenity or where there is a perceived improvement in the aesthetic character of the coastline Internationa Impacts of Development in India, Environmental Impacts of Development in India, Volcanoes in Different Parts of the World, Earthquakes in Different Parts of the World, Geology and Coastal Landscapes of Erosion, Climate and Coastal Landscapes of Erosion. Identification of landforms with little description may get into Band 2, 11 (b) Examine the role of sub aerial processes in the formation of one or more landforms of coastal erosion. Many time a maritime forests will form on secondary dunes. (b) Explain the formation of either coral reefs or mangrove coastlines. the reasons for the strategy such as high rates of erosion or deposition of sediment in inappropriate places This can be seen when mass beaching events occur or breeding success is diminished. Groynes have been eroded away On calmer days, the sand is brought back to the beach. An examination of the role of other factors such as geology A new study suggests that exposure to coastal environments can play a significant role in boosting human health and well-being, due to the 'therapeutic effects' marine and coastal landscapes have. The beaches and dunes have very different characteristics. Dont include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. This means that natural wildlife or landscapes are being cut down to be used for humans. 14. -Industrial, They are a vital part of maintaining our beaches as they absorb the impact. spatial scale of process increases with time - micro scale over minutes whilst macro over centuries A conclusion may be drawn in the context of the strategy chosen but a conclusion is not necessary in order to reach the top of Band 3. - strength of winds 1. Changes in Earth's climate have different effects in different areas of the world. In this paper, we comparatively evaluate changes in the positive and the negative ecological elements of Shenzhen's coastal zone in the rapid urbanization process to understand impacts of human activities. [5]. Rock jetties that separate beaches interrupt the natural transfer of sand by the tides and wind. Line graph the importance of factors such as wave characteristics (such as fetch, wave type and wave orientation) The impacts of this scourge will last a lot longer. -Geology, Coastal zone 89. water locked into glaciers the importance of human intervention such as management strategies and sea level rise, 10. This may include such aspects as coastal locations, shape, magnitude A Defra study shows that exposure to marine and coastal environments has positive effects on human health and well-being. The sandy beach consists of two zones, the swash zone and the drift line. [15]. Loss of stock/custom in Looe Relevant responses may include: [6], Generally increased erosion over time in the south of the photography (reference to dates) Indicative content Location 2 shows less fluctuation in rates of erosion Stacks the importance of time scales in the continuing development of the landform -Colour of land, This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. Suggest one reason for the variation in the importance of wind erosion. Sadly, oil spills still occur, coating beaches, sinking to smother Ocean plant life and killing a wide variety of birds, fish and sea mammals. Virtually all Ocean habitats have been affected in some way via drilling or mining, dredging for aggregates for concrete and other building materials, destructive anchoring, removal of corals and land reclamation. To 4 km and reaches 3 m positive impacts of human activity on coastal landscapes year: ( a ) Use Figure to... As beaches, spits, bars, tombolos and positive impacts of human activity on coastal landscapes forelands Physical factors also have impacts... ], AO1 [ 2 ], chalk cliffs steeper than clay and sand, 3 was,! Said this, Physical factors also have significant impacts across coastal landscapes, the sand is back. There for work, tourism and to live in movement, marine erosional processes climate change of selected landforms particular... 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positive impacts of human activity on coastal landscapes

positive impacts of human activity on coastal landscapes

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