my cat was attacked by a dog and ran away

Cat should not have been loose. A cat attacked my dog is a common challenge for pet parents. I can stop a dog from being agressive in just 10 minutes a day! To keep itself safe from being attacked, it attacks first. Of course he thought I was not serious.. Definitely harmless to innocent people. Laws on the books wrt. My dog and cats are now permanently separated, because I dont know if this will happen again, but Im not willing to take that chance. In the same way, your cat may be angry with something or someone. This could help calm down the condition. Some dogs are just more territorial and they are convinced they have to guard their territory at any cost. This started me thinking about a serious situation that came up at our house recently our German Shepherd (20 months male) did not finish his food (typical) and the bowl was left out (my fault). My neice was heartbroken because she was so proud of the dog and how well behaved it was. I will not allow my cat to chase birds and kill them. Im sorry but dogs shouldnt be allowed to run wild and untrained through out the neighborhood. Now I own all of these animalsthere has NEVER been any aggression from any of my animals. She stated he most likly has superficial injuries (bruising pulled mussels). This is a must. Sometimes investing in pheromones can be the best thing you can do. Do not leave them alone all the time. Calling the veterinarian will give the veterinary team a good idea of the cat's injuries, allowing them to prepare for your arrival accordingly. Well often find her curled up with in the crib. Hed take them into his quarters. We had also taken in a female rescue dog from the pound. Stop behaving in such a way, so that it feels safe. You can also try feeding your dog separately and keeping any of your dog's toys away from the cat as much as possible. No food for 24hrs and a good spanking after i took them over to the dead body. Hi, my friends cat was brutally attacked by a German Shepherd another friend brought from a rescue to see if he was cat friendly. A co worker has strict rules for her dog. My cat, Sassi, was attacked yesterday by my neighbors dog. No matter what we do they are going to have one. I have had dogs my whole life and I feel that this instinctual killing side of her is something that I cannot train out of her not at the age of 10 with an unknown abusive past. Would i put her down.. absolutely not. Part of that initial assessment will be evaluating the cat's airway, breathing, circulation, and consciousness. Then, as she appeared in the doorway, on of them would jump up, grab her around the neck with both paws and give her a nip, let go and both cats would tear off in the other direction. But we have to understand, dogs. You have to catch them right in the act. I was told a story concerning a recently adopted ex-racing greyhound. it was extremely sad. Finally she grabbed a broom and hit the dog until it released the cat from his jaws. Flattening his ears or rotating them forward and back. If you are uncomfortable breaking up the fight on your own, find someone nearby who can assist you. Dominance displays and hierarchy. If you start caring for your dog more than a cat may develop anger towards the dog and take a long time to get used to it. The cat went to pllay with one of its own toys, and the cats movements must have mimicked what prey would look like to my dog. You can always go to training for your animals to get along. This applies to dogs of all sizes including those that weigh over 30 pounds. unforunatley the gate was somehow left open and my 4 year old cat was attacked by 2 dogs. She is visibly disturbed and has been under the bed ALL DAY LONG. Years have gone by and never have they attacked the cats before. Spending time training your dog is our obligation, to have what turned out to be an 85 pound dog that I can walk down the street and he sits, lays on command, etc it was all worth it. There are plenty of products out there now where dogs can be kept inside 24/7. So, it feels fearful out of insecurity. the dog should be confined to its own yard or leashed. Cats keep attacking dogs initially. , swatting at your dog, and biting your dog are all signs that show that your cat is jealous of your dog. I also know how the dog drags the two lovely children down the street when it wants to..and has! This allows each animal to associate the smells of the other with something good: food. Its not about putting blame on cats being indoors or not. I feel truly sorry for the cat and for her owners. or sick, elderly groundhogs that would not run or would move she knows and immediatly retracts them. I have the sweetest (usually) cattle dog mix that my husband I adopted 5 years ago. If you have cable, get to Animal Planet, they have plenty of informational shows on animal training, so does the library, so does the internet, so does the vet, so does the local shelter in your area. So when you all blame it on the irresponsible owners, you are wrong. If you see the owner's information, contact the owner to come get the dog. I believe that tragedies do happen sometimes that nothing could have prevented. Keeping your cat inside will also prevent it from contracting feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), a retrovirus that can lead to debilitating disease. They cant not do it either UNLESS trained not to do it. She slowly closed her eyes before she passed away. Well, if its nature, it is nature when a dog kills a child (even though a lot of times children torture and provoke dogs. All I can say is if one my cats ever gets out of the house accidentally, and this dog hurts it, this dog WILL be euthanized. Sudden aggression could be the simple result of your dog challenging the established hierarchy of the household. Collapse. THE CAT FEELS AND EXPERIENCES BEFORE THE KILLER DOG HAS KILLER HER/HIM? WHAT ABOUT THAT???!!! and will hide under our deck. I would be devastated if somebody wanted to kill them! Definitely NOT. They all have a prey drive. I also feel sorry for the cat and owner, but any cat allowed to run loose outside is in danger. The wounds they inflict are usually deep, crushing injuries. Treating both of them equally can not develop much jealousy and anger between them. and it sounded like she was playing a bongo drum. And many dog owners spend a great deal of time wondering why. CAt is in house now of course! Be sure you fully understand the at-home care instructions before taking the cat home. She also protected baby kittens and any kind of baby animal. Im sure there must be a lot of incidence of this, with better methods than my primitive fasting/imprisonment method. Period. My cats have always been allowed outdoors, but they have always been kept in my own yard on leashes and harnesses, and I have always stayed outside with them. There have also been incidents of squirrels and even a Canadian goose killed in my backyardI am saddened when this happens, but even wild animals that wander into an enclosure with dogs are at risk. Now Ive told both my dogs off & have ignored them since the attack but can someone tell me how I can stop our husky from attacking cats & how do I stop them from coming into our garden, as thats our dogs territory, so I cant really find it in my heart to really blame them for protecting it against any other animal that wants to enter!! I would absolutely kill a dog attacking a cat. Later, when everyone was sleeping he came by me for comfort and he died in my armsI gave him as much love as I could those last momentspoor thing. Antibiotics may be prescribed. I live here in Australia and lots of koalas get killed by dog bites, the reason is that the dogs teeth quickly penetrate the organs of the koalas. You may not realize the dog has an aggression problem until the first time, which should then be addressed with proper training to prevent future incidents. Gently pat or play with the cat. Do not attempt to muzzle her if she is having trouble breathing or has injuries to her mouth. Plenty of times I felt like euthanizing Happy, but I didnt have the heart to do it. It would break my heart to give up on this very smart youngster because of abusive parents and aggressive personality. THEY MUST HAVE A TIE OUT CABLE OR ROPE JUST LIKE A DOG!!!!!! The cat usually ended up in a tree but our neighbors often told us that they wouldnt be surprised if one day they caught and harmed the cat. Dogs need to learn how to control their drives. You could also make your own cat repellent. If a dog were to kill a human, there is no question that 100% of you would agree that it should be put down. The owner actually turned it around to say that my family and cat were at fault and he and his dog are the victims. Even though a cat is not prey for a dog, sometimes it can view it like that. That being said, some of the dogs (including my own -beagles,shetland Part 1 Assessing the Situation Download Article 1 Separate the dog from the cat. This way I am assured that she will be safe. . To begin desensitization, let the dog view the cat briefly through the gate, and then get the dog to focus on something else, such as playing with a toy or practicing cues. Cats mean to dogs, what other cats mean to them. As long as they are fighting, try to keep them separate. There are no bad dogs, only bad dog owners. When your cat is with your dog, be there. For more tips from our Veterinary co-author, including how to help an injured cat breathe, read on. Put your hand over the cat's muzzle, close her mouth, and breathe into her nostrils. I have the sweetest dog. Do not use any physical punishment if your cat tries to attack your dog. My girlfriend feels if only she had listened to her and see what was wrong he wouldnt have been scared and jumped out the window. Yet we can be compassionate and take care of our precious pets and keep them from harm. I have been on both sides of the coin. Although i have small grandkids and was not comfortable witht he fact of the dog being around the children. I think in the case between dog and cat relationship, the owner plays an important role. No. Come on people!!! 4. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Quit frankly i am shocked that you would pts any dog that had attacked a cat without all the full facts. Before this incident I felt I had the best dogs ever. If your dog is aggressive all the time then it is a different issue. Information is everywhere. I dont know if the Humane Society did the right thing or if im sure i did the right thing by not bringing the dog home with me. The vet, 3 techs, office manager, and myself all were shocked at the cats behavior. Stopped breathing They brought her respiration back. He was from Europe. Theyre so much fun. My other cat had to be euthanized due to a neighbors dog coming up on MY porch and attacking~when I took her to the vet~~with the neighbors owner~who was willing to pay, in order to avoid a lawsuit~the vet told her she needed to really consider euthanizing the dog, as it was so agressive. Is she allowed to? I dont charge for my services so I expect the owners to do the work. However I have seen how pet owners do not make an effort to teach their animals what they need to learn. Needless to say, she is good now. Im sorryI dont know HOW to post at your blog. Its just the result of stress. But back to the point. Or, perhaps you enjoy sitting with your dog and gazing into each others eyes. Not only did We lose a sweet loving cat tragectly but my own dogs who knew the cat and get along with the cat did the attacks! If your dog has a strong prey drive (the inclination to seek out, chase and potentially capture animals seen as prey usually smaller animals such as cats or rabbits), she might become very focused on the cat. My two current dogs are secure in my garden, but any cat that comes into my garden they would give chase & I am sure the pack element would kick in if they caught it. Often the dogs in the neighborhood knew me, and the owners did Your dog doesnt look at behaviors as good or bad they just react and repeat what brings them pleasure and rewards. As my name says, I wish I werent here but am because I searched this topic after my cat was attacked in my front yard (right outside the door, actually) by the neighbors two dogs, a German shepherd and a terrier. Home & Forums | So allow it to go outdoors and have some fun. everytime a neighbour dog will come to our yard, my two cats will sneakily attacked them and chased them away. The cat hid and later came home. She was very limp but still alive. That was a week ago. She almost took a neighbors 2 yr old son face off. Is not a new problem. One dog husky and the other English lab. My neighbor would laugh at me. Why does my cat hit my dog? We have just experienced a tragedy greater than most written here. (For many reasons that I wont waste time going in to.). The dog will go by instinct unless trained otherwise. If you don't see identification, call your local animal control. a cat attacks dog unprovoked, it could be down to misunderstanding. I have a couple in our street with 2 of the most aggressive street dogs i have ever seen. Fear and anxiety in the veterinary clinic Thankfully, this is changing. Leave the area of which the attack is taking place. Some even got attacked while walking with their owners. This morning I am especially tired as I spent most of the weekend at my work dealing with a variety of emergencies. What then, do all of you people think should happen to the dog that attacked the child? Cat stalks dog and attacking them is not uncommon. There is a way to deal with it that is also very simple. The above methods can help you to create a friendly bond between your dog and cat. I dont let my dogs run loose. Dogs always give a sign before they are going to do something. Yes. Dogs does not only attack cats that are loose outside. Anything that gets through the fence, look out! I believe in the end the bottom line is just keep your cats and dogs on your own property or even inside your house if you live in an area with raccoons and other critters that might attack your pet. I have always had cats and dogs, raised together! She's moving ok and not in obvious discomfort. Cats feel jealous when you pay much attention towards your dog or neglect them, when you use its belongings, and when it sees you cuddling or playing with your dog. I feel awful because yesterday I was coming home from a dog walk with my dog, my friend and her dog. Cats can be seriously injured by dog attacks. Should we then have immediately destroyed our dog as he had semingly attacked my mother-in-laws cat Making it exercise daily for some time can reduce its aggression and calm down. The dog MUST be desensitized to cats and other animals on all levels. Hi, here is an update on the cat, I knocked at the house thinking the dog went to the vet! Finally vet thought best to euthanize because cat wasnt going to make it. Although I heard it and went immediately, they would not let go of my cat and were both working on him viciously and would not let go. You will also need to restrict the cat's activity and prevent her from jumping from furniture. My cat is at the emergency clinic at this very minute. If you get a new cat or dog, then hissing means that they are just annoyed with the arrival of your new dog or cat. Dont give full access to your cat, if you get a new one. She slept with her and the other two. So, it is stupid to say its nature. I feel they are not being responsible and if she does bite another child they will be at fault! Should I take my dog to the vet after a dog fight? It is cases like these where people must ponder what if this was my pet. Cats are just as susceptible to everyday minor injuries as any other animal. If you dont feel you can trust your dog around your cat, you should keep them apart. You can also use cat pheromone to cat. Bite wounds encountered in cats, though severe and invasive, can be tolerated and extensive surgical management can result in successful outcomes even under suboptimal conditions. However she did survive, but the shelter uthanized the dog. Use extreme caution if she has a spinal injury. They do chase outdoor cats, rabbits etc. them while the cats usually stayed JUST out of reach and luxuriously bathed Im so sad to hear that this cat was not as lucky as mine. outside mostly. Intravenous fluid therapy is typically administered in cases of shock. My cat is like my child and she will always be indoors. They can still do it in your absence. It cuts the aggression by over half if not all, and their hearing improves 100% because they are no longer preoccupied with those thoughts of being elsewhere for reasons we shouldnt need to address here. Cat, missing for 2 years, found nearly 1,600 miles away . But, cats can take this as an advantage and attack your dog whenever it needs your attention. I realized after a few seconds and to my dismay that it was my yellow cat. Dont get her excited, because then rough play is likely to escalate and she wont learn that this is undesirable. Getting cat toys, investing in pheromones, appreciating it when it behaves well, and making sure that your cat is exercising daily can help to improve your cat and dog relationship. or if you cant emotionally handle that your dog attacked another animal, do the right thing, and find it a more suiting home. Out of 4 dogs that the neighbors neglectfully let loose out of thier yard. We can try to suppress that drive. Here are some ways that might help you to sort out your trouble: 1. I worked diligently with both dogs to know that the cat is not only off limits but the queen of the house. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. I am a cat lover but it is unfair to euthanize a dog for doing something nature programmed him to do. It all worked out in the end but I was completely shocked. And then yesterday it almost happened again. Reach in her mouth and clear out any debris or saliva that may obstruct airflow to her lungs. Putting dogs to sleep for that is NOT necessay. Especially with sudden behaviour changes and aggression I would check on that. The cat was IN MY DOGS YARD. She doesnt like cats though. What am I suppose to do? ALL DOG BREEDS ARE HUNTERS on some level. They are all healthy and up to date on all vaccinations. 3 years old. I dont like the concept of putting down an animal unless its too sick or injuredI feel that there has to be away to deal with each situation. Aggressive dogs should be put down if they cant be controlled. Please mr. Manley, dont do that to your animals, but find a responsible trainer to help you! Give a little bit more attention to it, until it feels safe. So, it starts attacking your dog, to feel safe and secure. In the original story, let us consider the cat to be a small child who was running away from the dog in fear. They generally hiss when they are uncomfortable with the other person or animal. Sadly your only defense is to keep your cat inside even on your own property since the right of dog owners to let their crap hounds roam is seldom questioned. We had a really large, young black lab staying with us for a while, Henry, and he was real curious about the cats, but not aggressive. Today I witnessed my cat get mauled by a neighbor's pit bull. We ended up with 15 dis-owned, violent dogs, people kept on dropping off. I was looking for a home for the kitty because I knew my dog doesnt like cats. Cat REALLY shook up!!! pen if determined and hurt them). This bothers me, as well. WHAT ABOUT THE SHEER TERROR AND FEAR (not even talking about the unbearable PHYSICAL pain the cat suffers at the mouth of these murderous and dastard killer dogs!) I slept in the office with her in the cage. Hed practice what he called loving discipline, which involved treating them like gold when they behaved, and locking them in a cage, without food or water for 24 hours, when they misbehaved. I currently have 7 cats inside that have claws and I dont have shredded furniture. Most wounds heal within 10 days. The people who gave me the puppy said they were good with animals, good with children and had the potential to be good guard dogs. When Puppy (my puppy) had a litter of pups, one of my cats which was very friendly was right with the little puppies and the mother and the mother didnt mind. When I turned the outside light on the neighbors cat was on the step and I could see a large brown dog several feet away. All of the dogs get along and I have one cat. ABout the Dog-Cat attack issue: They say if you punish a dog two seconds later, it wont work. But an infection can occur even with proper treatment. Or rotating them forward and back attention to it, until it released the cat and owner, find! Would check on that from being agressive in just 10 minutes a day the! The victims little bit more attention to it, until it released the cat 's airway breathing. 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my cat was attacked by a dog and ran away
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