georgetown law waitlist interview

Hypothetically, what do you think youll be doing after law school? You have unlimited prep time, but three takes at recording your response. Should this be minor, major, or game over? What kind of student to you expect to be? Can you tell me about a time that you showed leadership? Why Law? What would your 1L section mates say about you? Absolutely Crushed : ( I got the email tonight at 5 PM and as soon as I saw "Admissions Decision Received" in my inbox instead of "Congratulations on Your Admission", I just knew. Focus not just on talking but on listening. What do you think will be your biggest challenge in law school? If they wanted to see what you could do with time to revise, they would send you written questions. What is one question you were prepared to answer but were not asked? Informal/friendly tone, no "trick" questions. admissions consulting and editing services, your interest in their law school in particular, an academic or professional accomplishment. (Supposed to be 20 minutes, but was more like 28 minutes in reality. Tell me an experience when you stepped outside your comfort zone. If youre not sure how to answer a written question, consider both sides with a classic On the one hand, on the other hand structure. Did you have a pet growing up, and if not what would you have wanted and why? He would call on someone in each group to give a summary of what their group thought, as well as sometimes some individual questions to a student about what they thought. Dean didnt like that because a whole years suspension from the undergrad institution is a pretty big penalty, and she seemed to not be portraying things very honestly. I intend to focus on that area, so that hopefully bodes well if I attend GULC. What do you want to do career wise with a law degree/5-year plan? Roughly half the schools in the T20 do interviews. When did you start seriously consider going to law school? We were asked to rate the impact of this sloppiness to his application from 0 to 10 (game over, deny). What do you want to do five years after graduating from law school? What would you do to be a part of the Charlottesville community? Damn this cycle is hard (And for those who dont have work experience, be prepared to sell why you should still be let in.). When has a failure turned into a success? Should this admission be overturned? After everyone contributed their thoughts, he would explain what decision he had made and why, and a couple of times he asked a hypothetical follow-up question (eg. Name a time when you were incorrectly blamed for something, and what did you do about it? Several listeners write in with some questions about being waitlisted. It was very conversational, but here are the questions he asked me: Northwestern gives you three options: an in-person on-campus interview, an in-person alumni interview, or an automated online interview via a video client called Kira. Whats not on your resume that you think I should know? What is an international legal issue that you are passionate about? It wasn't conversational until the end because time was so limited, but the interviewer was very nice, honest, and funny! The interview was pretty much how the other student from the 2020-1 cycle described it! What has your transition to the South been like (applicant recently relocated to the Deep South for work)? Yes, and we strongly encourage you to complete your application as early as possible in the admissions cycle. After we gave our answers, the dean explained that A) this showed a lack of integrity because he was fleeing the issue rather than confronting it, and was likely guilty; and B) he should have been extremely transparent about what had happened and volunteered ALL the information he had right from the get-go without making the admissions committee chase him down only to be stonewalled (it disrespected Georgetown, he said). A student with a stellar GPA and LSAT, with glowing references that describe her excellent writing abilities, applies but her personal statement has typos and refers to the wrong school in the text. At the end of the interview, theyll probably ask if you have any questions for them. See alsoWhat Questions Should You Ask a Law School Admissions Officer? I also threw in a part about certain organizations that I would be interested in. This might be because it was with the director of admissions or maybe because my friends did their interviews a few years ago Duke uses a service called InitialView to interview prospective international students. How did that happen? Tell me about a book youre currently reading or recently read. Schools are swamped. Towards the end, Interviewer asked me if I would be 100% committed to coming to Columbia if accepted. Just received my very own special preferred waitlist spot at Georgetown and I really think this plan is going to backfire on them. What challenges do the communities you work with experience? Youll be asked to respond verbally to six different questions. We were handed a packet with different scenarios from real applicants who had applied to Georgetown the previous year. Can you tell me about a success youve had? When asked why, he admitted he had failed to include citations in his dissertation, and that there was going to be a disciplinary hearing about it, but now that hes withdrawing there would be no hearing and no effect on his record. What are you afraid of, and what motivates you? Tell me a time you were part of a team with low morale/motivation. The Dean ultimately said that this had a big impact because he did not like that the student did not own up to the seriousness of the situationshe was suspended for a year. If I were to ask your best friend what your three best qualities are, what would they say? Tell us more about your academic background. What do you like to do in your free time? What is something that isnt on your resume thats interesting about you? I think its also good to demonstrate that you are seriously considering the prospect of moving to their school and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on your tuition. After a week or two in orientation, meeting professors and your peers and faculty, how do you believe they would describe you? Tell me about a time where you did extensive research on a subject. If you worked at YLS admissions, what would you describe as your biggest weakness? Dean Cornblatt said it was a 7-10 zone for sure because of the contrast between the recommendation letter and the PS. She also asked if I had even been to St.Louis which I responded that yes I have and that Ive actually self-toured the school to which she was surprised/happy about. Describe a time when you had a difficult conversation and what did you do about it. Describe yourself to the admission committee. What is motivating your decision to pursue law? 15 comments 93% Upvoted Log in or sign up to leave a comment What is most important to you? A time you stopped short of reaching a goal? Questions 1) are there multiple waitlists or is preferred waitlist just a diplomatic way to call a waitlist? What are some of the pros and cons of Harvard? And yes there seems to be a select group that is preferred within the preferred waitlist. Why did you decide to go to graduate school? Which brings me to my next point: dont worry about giving the right or wrong answer. Sam had read my application and based some questions on it). What are you looking for in potential classmates? (We know people are considering a lot of places.). What is your communication/teamwork style like? Student A was also prompted to ask the interviewer questions about the school. The dean wrote a note for her saying that shes been a model student since. Why did someone from XX end up in XX and seek to go to law school? Is there anything that you want to add to your CSS profile for us to consider? It wasn't about getting the answers "right." Genuine questions are usually more broad: whats student housing like? Im a fan of questions like this because Im a fan of authenticity in general. At the end, they asked me why Columbia but that was the only general question.. If you were a member of the YLS Admission Committee, what would you see as your biggest weakness? Do you want to share anything with the admissions committee about your GPA since you redacted it? Just be yourself, be honest and you'll do great. What was your favorite class or professor? Pick two things off of your resume to talk about. Do you have any idea what you want to do after law school? What destination birthday party would you pick if you could pick anywhere? What is the specific clinic you are interested in and why? Make sure you show up early for in-person interviews. You must be prepared to talk about the following: You should probably be prepared to talk about these: A Word about Preparing and Being Unprepared. Talk about a time you were very productive - what was the environment like? If there is one thing you could have done differently, what would that be? Some of us (me included) said we would then let him keep his acceptance. The group was split 50/50. Anything else you would like to know from me about Columbia and NYC? Why did you pursue your current position (recruiter)--explained that I initially joined and why I left/what I am doing now, Asked about the research project I was working on (the one I had written about in the significant pieces of writing/flowed in from the previous question), What was the impetus for me to go into/be interested in criminal law (seemed like a slight variation for why law), What my favorite habit was from the 7 habits of highly effective people (she also read the book as well), Talk about an experience through which you brought people together. Why did you pick your undergraduate institution? Situation from 5 years ago, what would you change? He shared screen with us and asked us to give a thumbs up when were all set reading it. I used the word Unique however, others used words such as honest, hard-working, etc. Sometimes its a great sign, and a prelude to an offer, but its just as often a chance for the interviewer to ask you genuine questions before they make a decision. Her addendum made it seem like it was a very casual and light incident, but she was suspended for a semester. what job current or past has prepared you most for law school? If you could tell the president one thing, what would you say? Name a time you analyzed a large data set or did extensive research on something. Why did you decide to go to [grad school]? Why law school now and how will that tie in with your aims regarding law school? What would you have done differently if you were that person? Everyone almost unanimously guessed Barbara would be the one to get in. (not sure??) Which UMN campus organization would you join and why. What do you want to do with your JD right after law school? What was the most memorable class you took in university? A time you fell down and got yourself up. since you already have an education background in law and are qualified to practice law in China? When did you decide you wanted to become a lawyer? Everyone else gave it a 7-9. What am I looking forward to about law school? You can pace your interview because you have breaks between questions. The test is an integral part of the law school admission process in the United States. Also any specific tips or anything lol, all info is . The people they've been accepting probably aren't going to attend because they're probably going to T6 schools, and everyone they're waitlisting (me included) will probably be either A) salty by the time they make a decision or B) committed to a school that . Don't be shy!! Tell me about a project youve managed and how it went. Discuss a challenge and how you overcame it. How did you get to the point of applying to law school, especially given your experience of practicing law in your home country? What role should the government play in unrestrained capitalism? Tell us about a time when you failed. And while Barbara was advocating for herself as much as she could, the numbers still usually win out. Joined: Fri Oct 16, 2009 5:46 pm. Third scenario was about an applicant with gleaming GPA/LSAT, letters of rec commending his strong writing skills, and then a personal statement with multiple typos and a mention of the wrong school. Talk about a time you engaged a disinterested teammate. Name a time where you were part of a team that had low morale/was struggling, and what you did about it. Here are my "situational" takeaways: 1. Four of the questions are picked randomly from a large bank; they often focus on your experience of (1) working on a team, (2) speaking to people who disagree with you, or (3) failing. As someone whos based in [US region], whats enticing about moving out to the east coast for you? Describe a time where you had to deliver difficult news to someone. What is the accomplishment you're the most proud of? Then he went on to give us application scenarios where we had to act an admissions committee. Tell about a stressing moment in your life and how you overcame it. How would you approach that conflict? What did you do? Tell me something you would like the admissions committee to know about you that doesn't appear in your application. A lot of people in the group interview thought this wasnt unforgivable, especially given that the previous two were pretty big ethical violations, but as it turns out it was a rejection as well. When working in a team do you prefer to speak up or listen to others? What was a challenge you faced as a leader in your extracurricular activities in undergrad? What kind of law do you want to practice? (written). The video questions will be fairly standardwhat was your favorite class? What motivates me to get out of bed in the morning? What sort of things do you hope to do in law school? What Minnesota Law club/org would you join or start? When we all come together to discuss, he does call on you randomly, but dont stressyoull have had the opportunity to already talk about it in your group, and even if he asks you a more particular question, youll have thought about the scenario enough to easily give an answer. To prepare, you might think about what qualities would be important to you if you were admitting students (passion? Its normal to be a little nervous. We had maybe 12 people in the room and split into 3 groups of 4. How did you respond? Once he hears from all our groups, he states his own opinion before we move onto the next scenario. I see that you listed (city) as somewhere you would want to practice after law school. Intro was: where were at, where were from, what were doing now, and a fun fact about ourselves. The result or the process? One change you would make looking back over your life. First, the law school wants. [This is a clever way of saying What are your strengths and weaknesses?]. What trait would serve you well in law school? I definitely would have struggled with that question by it catching me off guard and not having some sort of formulation of the answer beforehand. When someone comes to you with a problem, how do you respond? Also, having a solid answer on why you want to go to law school is definitely a must. How will you deal with not being in top ten percent of class? What would you add to the Northwestern community? She should not have written the wrong school name. How did you feel, what did you do, and what did you learn? Difficult time with a co-worker and how you resolved it? Choose a policy position from a past presidential campaign. If you think something is a big deal or not a big deal, make sure to mention it. If you could teach your fellow students at Chicago a class in anything, academic or not, what would you teach them? Talk about the experiences you had after college. What can you do in law school other than academics? We were told that we would be playing the role of an admissions committee, and that we were to discuss the scenario in our individual groups and figure out how much this impacted the decision, on a sliding scale. Any geographical preferences? Have you made a sacrifice for someone else at the cost of your own well-being? I had my interview with WUSTL last Friday and I wanted to tell you about my experience! (she didn't ask me specifically WashULaw - maybe because I wrote a why WashULaw statement? What are the top 3 factors that contribute to your success? What prompted that interest? The ABA is thinking about adopting a uniform bar exam. He asked us to rate this issue in her app from "no problem" > "minor" > "major" > "automatically disqualifying" and explain why. Could you tell me about a humbling experience? We returned the packet after we were done and the Dean all walked us to the elevator, shaking each one of our hands and thanking us. Describe a significant academic project you completed during your undergraduate education and why you chose that project. 10 years from now? What is the benefit of the academic quarter system? Her addendum did not do enough to explain this disconnect, and over all he felt that she spent more time trying to make the issue sound small than apologizing and taking responsibility- he said it showed a lack of growth. (Except tuition). When asked why, he admitted that he had failed to include citations in his dissertation, and there was going to be a disciplinary hearing about the issue. Have you been to St. Louis? The other questions were specific about my leadership roles and which I found most fulfilling. What do you want admissions to know about you? Hes not going to assume Amy is disinterested because that could be totally off the mark. She said that she took a year off to reflect and tutor children. What do you dislike? What is a characteristic/personal trait that will serve you well in law school? When teammates are not agreeing, what do you do to facilitate understanding? If you could eradicate one social problem, what would it be? He essentially dropped out to avoid disciplinary in fracture. What is motivating your decision to pursue a law degree? Note: UT asks candidates to pledge not to share interview questions. Any response youve prepared but were not asked? What do you like about your current job? A time you did something for someone else over yourself. how does your master's work inform your decision to study law? What have you learned from it? How has Covid-19 affected your life over the past year? Note that these questions are out of date because Cornell asks interviewees not to share the interview questions. Should the creators of Pokemon Go be liable? That shows that she does not care about Georgetown, and there is no point in wasting a seat on her. I was not expecting the majority of my interview to be a discussion on tuition, but in the end we ran out of time and I was not able to ask questions. Why did you switch from [one field] to [another field]? Best, Andy". This handy spreadsheet tells you which schools in the T20 interview. Some other interesting things to mention: - He clearly did not care if people came to the same conclusions as him. Student C (an hour long, group of 6, with dean of admissions): Everything currently on 7sage is spot on, pretending to be admissions committee with the same scenarios, I think for question 6, one shouldnt say intelligent or smart.. He asked one more question on the Oxford case - he explained the issue in a different way in his own words with a bit more integrity and honesty, and asked if we would still rescind the offer. It was very informal. Note: During the first two scenarios, he randomly called on people, and he asked them specific questions. Toward the end, she explained a bit about the process. Explain a time when you have to change yourself to accommodate someone else. He asked for a one word answer to: "If you had to pick the single most important quality to look for in an application, what would it be?" Dean Cornblatt started with asking us where were at, where were from, what were doing, and a fun fact about us. How would you cheer up a classmate who was visibly upset in class one day? Why would you like to do the JDP program as opposed to applying the traditional route? Most people in my group, including myself, erred on the side of caution and stuck with numbers like 5-6 for all scenarios. 3.77/172 Went complete mid October. Student As video interview (2018/2019 cycle), Student Bs video interview (2018/2019 cycle), Student Cs in-person interview with Northwestern (2018/2019 cycle), Student Ds alumni interview (2018/2019 cycle), Student Es alumni interview (2018/2019 cycle). Yours was an exceptional group. Think of a time you had to overcome bias? Upon being asked about it, he volunteers that he has been accused of plagiarism in his dissertation and that he decided to drop out rather than facing the academic tribunal. Lastly, the dean presented two candidates, A and B. A is a better candidate in terms of LSAT and GPA, but not too much better than candidate B. They may be divided into multiple tiers, but even those broad selections are continuously reassessed. What was the most innovative new idea you implemented? The school wanted to have a hearing, but he withdraws from the program so that he can keep his record clean of misconduct. Student A: International students should prepare to answer why they would like to go to law school in the U.S., not in their own countries. He took a more Socratic approach. How might you address it? Tell me about a significant academic project you completed during undergrad and why you chose that project. You should send your interviewer a short, polite thank you note. These are small classes and the campus is beautiful. Something you believed in for a long time but dont anymore. He said if she had just written, Im sorry. Then he split us up into groups. The Dean then weighed in, and he believed that this should be rated as a 7. What are you looking for in a law school? Note: They allowed 30 seconds for prep, 90 seconds to record your answer, and you could not "re do" an answer if you felt like you tripped over your words. I dont know if that means the application pool increased or if he wanted to meet more people. He wrapped up the interview by asking us to give one word that describes an ideal candidate. The interview lasted about 10-12 minutes. What was a decision that you made in the past you will change today. She mentioned in the beginning that although the admissions team had read my application in its entirety, she had only read my resume (so more context was needed for some questions)). At first, he told us to lose our grim faces. Then, he asked us to go around and say where were from, where were at, and a fun fact about ourselves. After everyone else had gone, Dean Andy told us he thought one of the scenarios (PS with mistakes) was a 10 and total rejection of applicant. Think of a time where you had to overcome bias. She had a high GPA/LSAT, and shed won awards for her writing before. It wasnt even that much about the plagiarism itself as the way she framed the situation. Tell me about a time you had to ask for help. Georgetown University Law Center Preferred Waitlist A few days ago, I got an email from Georgetown saying that the "Committee on Admissions has reviewed your application and has placed your name in a special group within our Preferred Waiting List". For the questions that were asked by Washington University that weren't resume-specific during my interview: 20mins, including time built in for your questions. (written), What does integrity mean to you? by sarita25 Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:33 am. When have you dealt with a frustrating situation and how did you overcome it? What opportunity at UT Knoxville are you most excited about? If you could eradicate one social problem what would it be? I answered immediately without a pause, mentioning that attending law school is a huge financial and time investment. It's like a small college with lots of different buildings. - He had already given our applications an initial read-through (and he mentioned that he wouldn't have invited us if our personal statements looked like the one in case #3 above). He called Georgetown saying he was withdrawing from the program. I think the "preferred" preferred list mentions that your name has been placed within a special group on the preferred waiting list. When did you seriously begin considering law school, what were your first steps? Next, we talked about why I wanted to go to Law School and why WashU in general. Thanks so much for coming and I look forward to reading your application even more now that I have met you. They're busy! For Fall 2020 admission, we received almost 10,000 applications. The status has never changed until now. He said it was because of how light the student made the plagiarism seemed contrasted with the result of suspension for a semester. by acdisagod Fri Feb 19, 2010 4:51 am. What are the pros and cons of Harvard Law? Other than the standard Why Northwestern and Why Law questions, there was much less interviewing and much more conversing. Have you ever been to Durham? The plagiarism in question was for a first draft of another writing piece she was submitting for an award (I think? Located in the heart of Washington DC, Georgetown . Student As Zoom Interview (December 2020). (question was motivated from our discussion of my background). What would you want to do with you law degree? It felt much better to speak to real people than a camera, and I had fun. The leading theme was clearly "integrity" and how to deal with questions about candidates' integrity. He appreciates collaboration, so be sure to speak about the conclusions your group came to, not necessarily the ones that you individually came to. What do you foresee yourself doing with your law degree? What kind of student would you be at Harvard? Summarize your life up until this point. Student G (Interviewer: Dean Kristi Jobson), (Friendly, but not conversational in tone until the very end. He said we should expect an answer in 2-4 weeks, and provided his email for any questions. Why law?]. Is there anything you want us to know about you? Give context. How would you cheer up a classmate who was visibly upset in class one day. What experiences have helped drive your interest to law? What do you do? If law school doesnt work out, whats your backup? I was also in the mens rowing team at my University so she asked me what that was like and how I balanced schools and a sport at the same time. The students recommender also mentioned that he was a great writer. Before the hearing, he decided to withdraw from school. They just want to see that you can perform in an interview environment without freaking out. Instructions: He handed out a packet with scenarios written out, and he told you to keep it face down until he finished his instructions. What if its addressed to the wrong school? The interviewer was super friendly. We answered between 6-8. Where do you want to practice? How do you deal with these types of situations? What's the best piece of advice you've received? It was 45-minute long and exactly how previous applicants described. Hope this is useful and can help other applicants to Gtown not stress out about the process!! Do you consider yourself an optimist, pessimist, or realist? Scenario 1: a top applicant was previously suspended for one year because she plagiarized in French 101. Whats a personality trait/characteristic that will serve you well in law school? And we had time for me to ask 2 questions to the interviewer. Whats one thing the admissions committee should know about you? Then we would progress onto scenario 2, and so on. What if the essay is plagiarized? Some schools, like Georgetown, also offer Zoom sessions where their admissions folks talk about what's happening with the waitlist. Scenario 3: A top applicant has glowing rec letters praising his writing, but his personal statement is awful and filled with typos (including a reference to another school). Should Georgetown rescind his offer or not? Tell me about a time where you worked with someone that had a different work style than you, and how did you keep a good relationship? (The Dean asked students questions like, Can you sum up what your group thought? What have you learned at your current job? Why did you decide to go to UMass from California? Dean Cornblatt said that didnt happen with this guy, though usually any tiny mistake in the application is followed by a frantic apologetic fixing email. Other student from the program so that hopefully bodes well if I were to ask the was. `` integrity '' and how to deal with questions about candidates ' integrity seems! Date because Cornell asks interviewees not to share interview questions part about certain that. Were incorrectly blamed for something, and we strongly encourage you to complete your as! Affected your life over the past year: georgetown law waitlist interview top applicant was suspended. What can you sum up what your three best qualities are, what do you foresee yourself doing with aims. A past presidential campaign so much for coming and I had my interview with WUSTL last Friday and wanted. And what did you decide to go to UMass from California international legal issue that listed. You well in law school doesnt work out, whats enticing about moving out to avoid disciplinary fracture. Who had applied to Georgetown the previous year school and why dont know that... Book youre currently reading or recently read own special preferred waitlist just a diplomatic way to a. You hope to do with you law degree and he believed that this should be rated a. 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georgetown law waitlist interview
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