dean domino console commands

Turn on both Security Holograms to guard the courtyard below Dean. If you have the code, you can turn off {emph}all the speakers, make them settle down. His ego is very fragile, and the player is encouraged to take care not to bruise it when dealing with Domino, lest it carry dire consequences down the line. [FAILED] Anything else? He figures the "Strong Man"'s needed somewhere, {to himself}even if it sounds like the Strong Man's {emph}two minds about it. Ready to die? {Mocking, he's echoing one of his songs}I only saw her yesterday. {Likes PC}All right, I'll head out and see what I can do on my end. Had great coffee - and one of the waitresses? It's curtains for Dean. {little quieter}Probably won't tap-dance no more when you leave, but that's on you. Survival. Forget that walking stomach, not interested in being his lunch just glad the girl's all right. Superstimmed is a chem, supposed to heal chronic damage and suppress pain. . The one who put these collars on us wanted me to deal with everyone first. {Hates PC}That's all I wanted to know. {Frowns}That's a real bad contract you have. A server can run under a Java-based Controller; this starts the server when you start the Controller. also accessing any of his secret stashes will piss him off, if he is with you. Still a looker, though. We're not going to find a doctor on call at this hour, trust me. Like hunting grounds. {Quiet, slightly nervous}Let's head through the hole in the wall there - if we go backstage, we avoid the locals. Dean will fight player, unless persuaded>. Why don't you get it? The Villa has Holograms everywhere. Dean is about to spring a trap once the convo is done: Holograms around Player>. Deactivate the security system and activate the computer on the desk. {Beat, emph}Not a coincidence. You're a terrible liar. Yes. Look around. Closes all databases that are currently open in the database cache. {Slight irritation}Of course you do. The Server Controller and the Domino Console, Using a console to send commands to a server, Entering commands at the console at the server, Sending Controller and shell commands from a remote console, Sending commands from the Domino Administrator console, Sending commands from a Web Administrator console, Using the Domino Character Console to access the server console. Vera Hologram? Look, I'm more about the short goodbyes than long thankful speeches {sincere}but I appreciate you bailing me out of a tight spot there - partner. {THEATER: Dean fight}So, what, you're going to risk blowing off your own head to kill me? Love getting shot at by Pre-War ghosts. {"You"}Woke up, confused, like some of the others. {Slight irriation}Sure, let's jaw all day and all night, why not? {Slight nervous}You are preaching to the choir. So what, I stand here, hold the two ends in my hands, and tap them together like cymbals? PC's only chance to escape alive. Exports a specified document (noteid) from the Domino Directory (NAMES.NSF) to dxl format and saves the dxl file to the Domino data directory. Vera Keyes (pre-War) Karma Return to the Puesta del Sol South rooftop with Dean. I'm on 360 so console commands aren't an option. {Beat}Anyway, front gate was open, no way I was letting {emph}you get in first. Then you show up, thinking you can just take it all from me, you and the old man running the show? Topics in this section describe how to set up and manage Domino databases. {Frowns}Great, a moron - just what I need. Sierra Madre hasn't completely forgotten her. I don't mind staying here for a while. The one who makes all the hand signs, a little tight around the corners of her mouth. Nice. What are you talking about? Whoever did this messed up. {Dean gets deadly serious here, his fear should foreshadow end of Act 2}Whatever we do - don't rile them up. {Beat, spreads hands}Sierra Madre opens its legs, we're in business. {Thinking}That means we'll still need a copy of the song to get into the vault and after all I went through to smuggle a copy inside. [SUCCEEDED] {Thinking}Yeah yeah, right. So maybe you and I should have a little chat - just like we did when you first waltzed into town. Topics in this section describe the tools you can use to administer a Domino server. Whoops, almost revealed too much, backpedaling a bit here before the player finds him out. Don't take any speech options that make it even imply you think you're better than him - the man holds a mean grudge, which is why he's even there in the first place. There are two remote consoles available from the Domino Web Administrator: the Quick Console and the Live Console. This list briefly describes the Domino server commands that are available. Dean's about to tell Vera she's going to do the job, no matter what. If they survive the Cloud, the Ghost People, the traps, then greed takes over, and they start sizing each other up for funeral suits. If I thought you screaming wouldn't attract more of the locals. Tag skills Yeah - don't you? {snaps fingers as music kicks in, ohhh yeah}and that's more like it, got a beat you can swing to. I can kill you and still make it out while security is busy frying you to a crisp. If Christine's throat surgery was your plan, too late, she's dead. [FAILED] You don't listen too good, do you? {Shakes head, disappointed in self}Should never have set that radio signal on repeat. Interesting. Never mind, doesn't change anything. King of SwingThe Ghoul (Elijah) Also meant the front gate was open, and no way was I missing it after all these years. And since I already had access to Vera well, that meant I had access to the vault, too. When both Dean and Christine are not companions, they can initiate dialogue with each other (or at least to the extent that Christine can), and Dean will comment on her muteness by saying "You're not much for conversation, are you?" All right, all right but you already got company, so tell you what - I'll meet you at the Fountain. Do you know specifically where? Watch for Hologram security, not as nice as the lady at the fountain, trust me. One of the locals catches us, we aren't coming back - and I'd like to keep an eye on you. Note: Only read "Vera" and do not access the file that appears after you read it. The Ghost People'll come out of the woodwork when the Gala Event starts blaring, and when they see me trapped up here? Talk about a captive audience. Just set up links to each floor, then use the lobby terminal to tie it all together? If necessary, click Tools to display the tool bar, and then click Server - Replicate. So I left weapons and stims in case I got in a tight spot. {Frowns, to himself}Hope that tourist is hurrying, haven't got all day. The Auto-Doc victim - what about her? Fountain's the safest place. [FAILED] Interesting in the sense that having some light show open the Sierra Madre? Take any of the casino chips, put 'em into the machine, and you'll get something out - a snack, a cola, something to mend a tear in your shirt. Go boom. You can also replicate a single database from the specified server to your server by including the database name on the command line. Hold it together, Dean, you've been in worse jams. You're taking orders from me. Don't get me wrong, I can hold an audience, conduct a score from the rooftops, but I'm guessing I'm the odd man out in this whole heist. If an argument for a command contains a space, enclose it in quotation marks. {Brushoff, needs player to leave}I'll be fine, don't worry about me. He's referring to the "handprint" symbol he left for himself as clues to where he placed them. {Beat, looks around}Wasn't always a deathtrap. {Choosing his words carefully, the locals are, well, zombies}"Alive's" a tricky word. He had to admit, it had been built to last. Reports the amount of memory being used by monitors. Monitors the performance of physical and virtual memory. {Urgent, worried he's going to get attacked by zombies}If the Ghost People didn't know we were here before, they know now. {Confiding, superior}There's a private elevator, Sinclair's elevator. Shuts down and then restarts a specified server task. You wouldn't dare. {Shrugs, dismissive}I'd shed a tear, but I'm sure we'll be chatting again. rifle upgr. Edited by enclave1488, 02 March 2011 - 07:59 am. This section describes how to use the tools and features that help you monitor a Domino system. Some left signposts to others, trying to help them out - just led to them getting killed by someone a little more greedy than they were. Okay, let me see if I can reactivate the Holograms. Still have my fingers, though. xx001309 commands that are available, as well as methods of issuing those commands. Think in the now, it'll sort itself out. Like Madrid. I'm not sure how to do it yet. I need a little more than that to go on if we're going to break out of here. Have other people shown up in search of the Sierra Madre? Got to say this for Sinclair, he sure knew how to keep things locked down, the tight-assed prick. His ego's paper thin. Almost every inch of this town is lethal. Had to take him down a few pegs, bring him down to my level. Displays individual and cumulative platform statistics for all servers including one or more of the following: logical disk, paging file, memory, individual network, process, and system. As "Good" characters I usually make the extra effort to save him by avoiding any intelligent dialogue with him. {Quiet, reflective}The Bomb. Vera's stayed powered up since the bombs fell those Holograms will, too. IBM Domino 10.0.1 Documentation Administering Administration tools Domino server commands Domino server commands This section describes the Domino server commands that are available, as well as methods of issuing those commands. {Frowns}What are you talking about? {Dismissive}Get a porter, carrying someone's bags - not my style. {1st Time Residential}Going to be sad to leave the Residential District. The exact ref ID for Dean might change, click on him when you have the console up to ensure the first two numbers are right. Faction {Whistles softly, appreciating}Now, {emph}there's a view. Any reason you can't find your way there? Topics in this section describe the tools you can use to administer a Domino server. If youre an avid {Nervous}Look just get rid of them, all right? So no, I don't think you'll shut them off. When you first meet Dean Domino, let him think he's the "boss", and never contradict or criticize him. Or maybe you didn't catch her voice on the radio. Nice name. Not enough bullets in the town to spend on them. It's the barter skill check that makes it impossible to spare him. You going along with my terms, or do you want your brains to be wallpaper? I switched on two Holograms to cover the courtyard, those should protect you. {Beat}Oh, you're serious. Yeah. Sierra Madre, sweetheart, Dean's coming home. Is this possible? Someone struck up the band. If Dean was the first, then you can first reset him, then roll back the Sierra Madre quest with setstage, then reset Dean again, and this with some luck will start your conversation all over as long as he is sitting in his armchair. {Narration, slightly upbeat}So giving the Sierra Madre one last nod and a wink, he set off beyond the Cloud to begin again. A template in this article or section is missing some data. He vanishes into the stage's scaffolding/hallways to hide away from them - Holograms are on>. Dean challenges, in an act of desperation, the player to come down and hunt him. {Frustrated}The Theater piped music and sound backstage, which means those little squealers are in the corridors back there, too. The Server Controller and the Domino Console, Using a console to send commands to a server, Entering commands at the console at the server, Sending Controller and shell commands from a remote console, Sending commands from the Domino Administrator console, Sending commands from a Web Administrator console, Using the Domino Character Console to access the server console. Affiliation Really? NVDLC01DeanTheaterOpenConvoPlayerLikedBark. What makes you think you can slip out? I asked her, she said yes, then she started to get cold feet. Sierra Madre Scrape some Cloud Residue off the walls, mash it in a Tin Can with some Junk Food from the machines, then hold your nose and down it. {Terminal blows up}What the blazes piece of junk! Where there's a bear trap, Ghost People aren't far behind. Increased urgency at the end, but won't raise his voice. Little bit of two-reel memories we're here to steal from the Sierra Madre, not from each other. Christ, if that collar blows, I don't know if you'd know the difference, you'd probably still keep walking around with that dumb, blank look. That key you snagged, it won't work. Walk through into the hole in the wall and the terminal is directly in front of the player character. Sometimes you have to know exactly what to ask for, other times, there's codes for eh, unconventional items. Don't believe me? No, based on your response, I'm sure of it. {Cold, menacing}All right, you're resourceful, I'll give you that - it's going to take a lot more than juggling keys and shooting speakers to stop me. I'm listening partner. The exact ref ID for Dean might change, click on him when you have the console up to ensure the first two numbers are right. Probably won't matter. Let's get out of here. Or {Frowns}guess Vera Keyes got lost along with the rest of the holo-archives when the bomb hit, huh? Just a little legwork. {Cold, staring into the distance}Always kept looking for the bright, shining future in everything. Though Dean says that he has learned how to use a knife, he does not have Melee as a tagged skill. That tourist is better than most. {Normal tone}If you need food, stims {slightly condescending}put in a chip, hold out your hand. My bet? I know you didn't do it out of the goodness of your heart. [FAILED] One thing at a time - and buying time is what we need, all right? This list briefly describes the Domino server commands that are available. Nice voice, nice legs. My advice? Some things are better left in the past, "partner.". What happened, somebody something carve you up, or? The information in this topic describes Domino server tasks and their defaults in the NOTES.INI file. {Just heard Elijah booming over the radio}Was that him floating above the Fountain, the boss man? {2nd Time Police Station}Never liked the Chief here, real stickler for "policy.". All right, I believe you. I can't say it hasn't been fun {quiet}well, I can, but I'll save it for my memoirs. The speakers won't kill you if you leave them alone, don't worry about them, just get backstage. Tries to calm himself down in the middle of being pinned down. Foolhardy Level I'm hurt. when he dead press ` and do player.placeatme xx0012fe 1 (the xs men where the dlc is in he load order i would just go 01, 02, 03) then hit enter or if you have his body press ` hen thype in resurrect and hit enter. 6 ST, 4 PE, 8 EN, 7 CH, 6 IN, 8 AG, 5 LK Dean has just joined the party, they're striking up a conversation. Form ID Shows the next time that a server task will run. {Slowly}And he's going to use the Gala Event to open the casino? Guests aren't allowed in, so guess we need to start the show. I give you this key, and there's nothing to keep you from just killing me and running. Just gotta wait 'em out. Dean Domino, also known as the King of Swing,[1] is a famous pre-War lounge singer, now ghoulified and trapped in the Sierra Madre Villa in 2281. If it's an emergency, you can get chems for any uh condition. Doesn't seem to bother the Ghost People. I'm not leaving this spot. Expressing irritation, aggression, or contempt will earn his ire, as well as challenging his sense of self importance, as he will double cross able partners simply because he perceives their competence a personal insult. Why it sure is interesting. Were you blackmailing Vera Keyes to break into the Sierra Madre? What? Thing is, when the recording queued up, a nice, calm, appreciative audience appeared in the Theater - no security with their head-blasting zap rays. Like Madrid. You said you had a recording outside? {1st Time Salida/Puesta}Do {emph}not leave me here. {Sarcastic}Sure glad one of us knows what you're doing. Vera? A little sad, but what can you do? [SUCCEEDED] {DUPE: Reluctant, convincing}Well yeah. I mean, you can't see it on posters, but never mind. After this, I promise you, all those other Holotapes, they'll go away. Correcting player, then takes a breath - this isn't good news. {Chewing it over}Supposed to be the Grand Opening of the Sierra Madre. Broadcast Sends a message to specified users, to users of a specified database, or to all users of a specified server. NVDLC01DeanFaction, NVDLC01TrapFaction, SmokerFaction. 53550 (DLCs only) Forget this, let's focus on getting into the casino. This is an unique DLC (dead money) outfit which only appears on Dean Domino, who is a recruitable character in Sierra Madre Villa, Dead Money. {Incredulous}You think {emph}I'm the bad guy here? At least he had the sense to know his own name, without carving it into his chest. Displays the history of the expansion factor and the availability index (AI). See, I know how to get into the casino vault. Security system's twitchy that way. Do that, and I'll consider waiting on the rooftop. I decided to take everything from him. Uh let's see. {Cold, menacing}So you showed. I've played to worse crowds than this, I can hold the fort here. Theater's almost the same as it was. {THEATER: 1st Time, Hates player}If you think you can take me, come down and try it. Sinclair wrote stuff down, was obsessive about it. {THEATER: Player has rescued Dean}Yeah, lucky us. Ghost People don't come into the Villa much. You're not the type. Dean's initially worried he's been "caught" at the opening of this thread, then recovers, tries to dismiss it. {Beat}I hope. Medical report? The Domino Administrator is the administration client for Notes and Domino. Helps Friends and Allies You currently have javascript disabled. Sometimes I forget where they are. The linked collars is a new trick. Didn't see anyone come in? Made {emph}her the key to his vault, like a joke, cause of her name. *game trains you to constantly skill check everything*. I can get you across. [5] Although his ability to obtain the treasure may have diminished with this development, his lust for it most certainly has not. Go knock yourself out. Gender Not the best of neighborhoods. Alone? Great, spilling my guts out to everybody. {Irritated}You'd think it was Spring the way tourists keep rolling in. Dean's about to tell Vera she's going to do the job, no matter what. Then trust our collars. Although it's odd, the bomb collars weren't linked before like they are now. Misc stats Try and get into the Sierra Madre without me? Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The Sierra Madre. Wait - I need to head to the door to your left or my left? Come on, let's settle this. I planned it lifetimes ago. Don't have much use for them myself, not worth the risk to get them. That's irony for you. Process of elimination, lowest common denominator. He builds this place for her, like some kind of Cleopatra obsession. You're not a betting man, which means I'm betting you have the key to the exit on you. I think you can manage walking there without me. Not the best actress, but well, she had other talents. Domino and his orchestra gave performances across the United States and Europe (including Paris,[2] and had a particularly bad experience in Madrid),[3] including the casinos on the Las Vegas Strip. Just to chime in, the speech option in the initial meeting is safe. While she was still out cold, he dragged her to the Villa's clinic and placed her in an Auto-Doc, which he programmed to perform surgery on her vocal cords, altering her voice to sound like Keyes', so she could at some point be used to unlock the vault. {Looking around}Hnh. Great, huh? {Beat, slow, emph}Then they start thinking it over, start thinking about how they can have it all. Also use this information to set up IBM iNotes on a server using Domino Off-Line Services (DOLS). Holotape recording, tense, Dean's here to insure Vera's cooperation in the heist. What are the Vending Machines all over town? {Slow, then challenging, bravado}So you think you have what it takes to beat {emph}me, on {emph}my stage, in {emph}my town? I must have done something wrong as every single NPC has his dialogue restarted, No problem, I've saved just before attempting your fix so no permanent harm done, Community Forum Software by IP.BoardLicensed to: Nexus Mods. It's why I've planted a mine field, shotguns, and explosives all the way on the road to my little boudoir here. Use a server console to see server events as they happen and to send commands to a server. You wouldn't {frowns}no, yeah, you would. Nobody relies on a single escape route unless they want to get caught. Even when you first showed up in the Villa, you didn't threaten me. Really? Then the old man showed up. Any kind of confrontational speech with him should be avoided throughout the DLC, this includes telling him about the bomb collar (possible bug). The objective of this quest is to get Dean to his position in Puesta del Sol south where he will complete the circuit using his own body. You do the same, you'll be clawing at the lock until your head blows off. >te smdreal quit. What, you need surgery done? {Quiet}I am all about keeping low in this section of town so let's see about creeping by the locals, all right? The truth, buddy, is this: you and me, we're now family as long as we got these bowties on. Have a seat - came all this way, least I can do is let you rest your feet for a second. Speak the right phrase, in the right tone of voice, and it's open sesame. Strike up the band, Domino's back in town. There's a picture, a bunch of headless saps all waiting for the pearly gates. Expressing irritation, aggression, or contempt will earn his ire. Use this information to improve IBM Domino server, Domino Web server, and messaging performance through the use of resource balancing and activity trends, Server.Load commands, advanced database properties, cluster statistics, and the Server Health Monitor. Once I well, realized what you could scrounge up around here, I had a lot of time to experiment. Dean, the theater speakers are wired to a central sound system, right? {Beat, cold, gets it}You rigged that terminal, didn't you. I know you didn't do it out of the goodness of your heart. She was a classy woman, good singer, and if she couldn't act her way out of a box she was Sinclair's world, and that's all that mattered. Soon, Domino found himself consumed with jealousy and he became single-mindedly determined to put Sinclair "in his place" by taking everything from him that he held dear. You hear me down there? Eh probably won't matter. {Dean, panicking, pleads to the player to save his life.}. Sure. Maybe to you, they're amazing, to me, they're grifters without the personality. Come here. Meet at the Fountain, and we'll hear what the next step is. Domino introduced them to each other as part of his plan to break into the casino vault, where he would take whatever it was that Sinclair had there that was so important. When she wasn't doped up on Med-X or Superstimming her pain away look, never mind. Why did you leave them around the Villa? Is she here? {Normal tone}The right tone and phrasing well, that may take some time. If they find out someone's trespassing, it'd be shaking a hornet's nest. . Under "Which server do you want to replicate with," enter the name of the server to replicate with, or select the server name from the list. Domino server commands This list briefly describes the IBM Lotus Domino server commands that are available. For the love of this whole heist was a gamble anyway. {Beat}Please. Now get going. 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To each floor, then takes a breath - this is n't news... To steal from the Sierra Madre without me those other Holotapes, they 'll go away on end.

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dean domino console commands
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